Parish notes: Five Rivers Deanery

Blessed John Paul II, Rutledge

In July the parish sponsored a vacation Bible school with the help of St. Claire Parish in Cincinnati. The Bible school was held under a tent at Central Point Trailer Park in Rutledge. It was followed by an additional two weeks of “Summer Fiesta” made possible with the help of two volunteer mission groups: one from New Jersey and another from Pennsylvania. The children, who would normally be alone while their parents worked in the fields, honed their math and reading skills with books and art supplies donated by a publishing company. A local grocery store supplied daily snacks.


Holy Trinity, Jefferson City

Holy Trinity Church participated in the 13th annual Walk for Life on Sept. 29 at Fred Miller Park in Morristown. Proceeds from the walk will benefit the ministry of Life Outreach Center.

The Knights of Columbus recognized Roger and Kristine Mynatt as the family of the quarter.

Appalachian Outreach thanked Holy Trinity Church for participating in its school-supply drive for needy children. The parish filled 570 backpacks that were distributed to local children for the new school year.

Holy Trinity Church is hosting a candlelight vigil as part of the 40 Days for Life observance starting at 7:15 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 10. The vigil will begin in the church, and participants will then process outside in front of the church property. For more information, contact Dave Budde at

Anniversaries: Jan and Ed Krasinski (35), Marylin and Claude Keaton (35)


St. Dominic, Kingsport

The parish collected personal-care items during the month of September to fill chemo bags for cancer patients at the Wellmont Center.

Mary Silver, a former parishioner at St. Dominic Church, has completed her pre-postulancy with the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist in Meriden, Conn.

The parish’s annual family picnic was held Sept. 30 at Bays Mountain.

St. Mary, Johnson City

Bishop Stika will celebrate a White Mass for doctors, nurses, and other medically related personnel at 11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 13, at St. Mary Church. Call the parish at 423-282-6367 for more information.

The parish will have a ministries fair the weekend of Oct. 13 and 14 in the gathering area of the church. Representatives from different parish ministries will be available to answer questions and recruit new participants. For more information, call the parish office at 282-6367.


St. Patrick, Morristown

The youth yard sale was held Sept. 29 in the church basement. All proceeds support the St. Patrick youth program.

Anniversary: Dave and Kathy DeAngelis (25)

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