Diocese of Knoxville’s 30th anniversary to be celebrated by parishes

Bishop Richard F. Stika is calling on all parishes and schools to join him in celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Diocese of Knoxville’s founding, which is Sept. 8.

Bishop Stika has commissioned a Prayer of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as the diocese celebrates this anniversary on the weekend of Sept. 8-9.

The bishop also plans to enlist parish priests and those presiding at Sept. 8-9 Masses to deliver remarks and petitions to mark the anniversary.

Bishop Stika said the first petitions will be in thanksgiving for the foundation of our diocese and for all the founding families from 1988.

Other petitions will be in thanksgiving for the blessings God has provided the diocese in recent years, such as a growth in vocations, the addition of new parishes, the growth of the Catholic community in East Tennessee, and the service of priests, deacons, women and men religious, and laity.

“The last one is to invoke the Holy Spirit upon all the leadership, myself and all my brother priests, deacons, religious, and all the lay leadership in parishes for where we go from here. We’ve had the capital campaign, the new cathedral, bishop’s appeals dealing with programs important to the diocese like education and the retreat center,” Bishop Stika said.

“But that last petition is going to invoke the Holy Spirit through the intercession of the Blessed Mother for the leadership over this next year,“ he added.

The bishop hopes to lead the diocese to intentional discipleship as a way to reach people of all faiths, including Catholics.


Prayer of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as the Diocese of Knoxville celebrates its 30th Anniversary on the weekend of September 8-9

At this time, as we celebrate the Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and Mother of the Church, we the Church of Knoxville also joyfully observe our thirtieth anniversary as a Diocese.

With love and trust, we offer prayers of thanksgiving through you, our Blessed Mother, to the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We express gratitude for all the blessings that the Diocese of Knoxville has received during these three decades. We are deeply thankful for having been able to proclaim and bear witness to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

It was through you, O Virgin Mary, who conceived of the Holy Spirit, that God the Father, sent his Son Jesus into the world, and it is now through you, O Virgin Mary, that the Father continues to pour out his numerous gifts of grace.

For this reason, we the Church of Knoxville — Priests and Deacons, Religious, Seminarians, Families and all the Lay Faithful, in close union with Bishop Stika — turn to you, our Mother of Perpetual Help, and humbly implore you to assist us to be ever more faithful followers of your Son Jesus.

Realizing the intimate union, according to God’s plan, between you and Jesus, and the way the Church has so beautifully expressed her devotion to you over the centuries, we now join with one another, to commend, entrust and consecrate ourselves to your Immaculate Heart. We do this to be ever more intimately united with you and your Son Jesus, and to pay ever greater adoration and thanksgiving to the Holy Trinity.

And may our beloved Church of Knoxville be ever more zealous in joyfully living and proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Amen


Oración de Consagración al Inmaculado Corazón de María por la celebración del 30 Aniversario de la Diócesis de Knoxville el fin de semana del 8 y 9 de septiembre de 2018

En este momento, en el que celebramos el cumpleaños de la Santísima Virgen María, Madre de Dios y Madre de la Iglesia, nosotros, la Iglesia de Knoxville, también celebramos con alegría nuestro treinta aniversario como Diócesis.

Con amor y confianza, ofrecemos oraciones de acción de gracias a la Santísima Trinidad: Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo por intermedio tuyo, nuestra Santísima Madre. Expresamos gratitud por todas las bendiciones que la Diócesis de Knoxville ha recibido durante estas tres décadas. Estamos profundamente agradecidos por haber podido proclamar y dar testimonio de Jesucristo como nuestro Señor y Salvador.

Fue a través de ti, Oh Virgen María, quien concebiste del Espíritu Santo, que Dios Padre envió a su Hijo Jesús al mundo, y ahora es a través de ti, Oh Virgen María, que el Padre continúa derramando sus numerosos dones de gracia.

Por esta razón, nosotros, la Iglesia de Knoxville – sacerdotes y diáconos, religiosos, seminaristas, familias y todos los laicos fieles, en estrecha unión con el Obispo Stika – nos volvemos a ti, nuestra Madre del Perpetuo Socorro y te imploramos humildemente que nos ayudes a ser seguidores cada vez más fieles de tu Hijo Jesús.

Al darnos cuenta de la unión íntima, según el plan de Dios, entre tú y Jesús, y la forma en que la Iglesia ha expresado su devoción por ti tan bellamente  a través de los siglos, ahora nos unimos, para encomendarnos,  y consagrarnos a tu Inmaculado Corazón. Hacemos esto para estar cada vez más íntimamente unidos a ti y a tu Hijo Jesús, y para adorar y dar gracias en mayor medida a la Santísima Trinidad.

Que nuestra amada Iglesia de Knoxville sea cada vez más fervorosa al vivir con alegría y proclamar el Evangelio de Jesucristo. Amén

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