The longtime parishioner is stepping down from her role as Sunday-morning music leader she has held since 1993 After 31 years as the Sunday-morning music director at St. John XXIII Parish on the University of Tennessee campus in Knoxville, Nancy Brennan Strange is stepping down from the role. The parish hosted a retirement party for Ms. Brennan Strange after the 11:15 a.m. Mass on Sept. 22. Ms. Brennan Strange shared her memories with the St. John XXIII family in the Sept. 22 parish bulletin. A graduate of Knoxville Catholic High School in 1969, she came to the parish—which had just been established the year of her graduation—during the winter of 1970. Its Catholic Center worship space would be dedicated in April 1970. “St. John XXIII was brand new,” she recalled. “The music director was Kay Bacon, and the secretary was Mary Claire Sheridan, who I had known as the secretary... Read more →