Father Patrick Resen of St. Catherine Labouré Parish in Copperhill will be the spiritual director of a pilgrimage to Ireland from Sept. 25 through Oct. 4. The tour will include stops in Dublin, Knock, Ballintubber, Croagh Patrick, Cong Abbey, Galway, Limerick, and the Ring of Kerry. Father Resen will celebrate Mass at St. James Church in Carracastle, Ireland, which is the home church of his late grandmother. The cost per person is $2,695 including airfare from Atlanta. Other fees apply. Contact Faith Journeys to register at 480-894-8407 or e-mail info@myfaithjourneys.com.
Monsignor Al Humbrecht and Father Michael Nolan will be the spiritual directors of a pilgrimage to Spain and Portugal from Oct. 29 through Nov. 9. Pilgrims will visit important shrines and holy sites in Madrid, Segovia, Avila, León, Santiago, Fatima, and Lisbon. The cost per person is $3,599 from Atlanta. To obtain a brochure or register, contact Sister Albertine Paulus, RSM, at 865-207-4742, 545-8270 or smaevang@yahoo.com.
The Notre Dame Club of Knoxville is recruiting new members. The local club provides scholarships to students attending Notre Dame from East Tennessee, sponsors summer intern work at Catholic Charities of East Tennessee, cosponsors the Hesburgh Lecture Series with the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Tennessee, and is involved in numerous other activities in support of Notre Dame alumni and the community. Dues are $30 per year. For more details, contact Dave Rivoira at 865-539-5301, Russ Hand at 769-8540, or Shelby Ford at 574-315-3433; or visit the Facebook page at www.facebook.com/notredameclubofknoxville.
The next Hesburgh Lecture sponsored by the Notre Dame Club of Knoxville and the Tennessee Cancer Institute will feature Dr. Rudy Navari, clinical director of the Harper Cancer Institute in South Bend, Ind. The topic will be “Adult Cancer Screening 2013” and will address current screening guidelines for various forms of cancer. The event will take place at 7 p.m. Friday, April 22, at the University of Tennessee Medical Center. For more information, contact Dave Rivoira at 865-539-5301.
The fourth course in the catechetical formation program sponsored by the Diocese of Knoxville and taught by instructors from Aquinas College in Nashville will have a final session Saturday, April 27, at the Chancery in Knoxville. The session will meet from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Register online at www.eventbrite.com/org/3149767104 or contact Father Richard Armstrong at 865-584-3307 or rarmstrong@dioknox.org for more information.
A Beginning Experience weekend is scheduled for the weekend of April 5-7 at the Christ Prince of Peace Retreat Center in Benton. The retreat is designed for those who have suffered the death of a spouse, separation, or divorce and are seeking hope and renewal. The cost of the weekend is $175. Financial aid is available. Contact Marian Christiana for more information at mchristiana@dioknox.org.
The next Cursillo for men in English is scheduled for April 11-14 at the Apison Retreat Center. For more information, contact Lois Schering at 865-681-7858 or schering4@aol.com.
Divorced Catholics are invited to view an introduction of the DVD series The Catholic’s Divorce Survival Guide from 3-5 p.m. Sunday, April 14, at Noodles and Co., 405 Market St. in Chattanooga. The series will continue for 12 weeks and will cover a wide range of topics that address the common experiences of divorced Catholics and attempts to provide practical insights into how to manage the healing process. The cost is $15 per person. Contact Marian Christiana to register at mchristiana@dioknox.org, or visit the website www.faithlifeline.com for more detailed information about the series.
The 10th annual Fighting Irish Spring Classic will be held from 5:30 to 9 p.m. Friday, April 19, at Smokies Park in Kodak. The baseball doubleheader will pair Fulton High School and Powell and Knoxville Catholic High School with Gibbs. Tickets for adults are $5 in advance and $6 at the gate; student tickets are $3 in advance and $4 at the gate. Proceeds from the tournament will help support Catholic Charities of East Tennessee adoption and pregnancy services. To purchase tickets in advance, visit www.ccetn.org or call KCHS at 865-560-0313. For more information, contact Sandi Davidson at sandiphc@ccetn.org or 865-251-0488.
The 15th annual Kids Helping Kids Fun Walk sponsored by Catholic Charities of East Tennessee will take place at 3 p.m. Sunday, April 21, on the Knoxville Catholic High School campus. Registration and entertainment will begin at 2 p.m. The family-friendly event includes a one-mile fun walk around the grounds of KCHS, inflatable games, complimentary refreshments, and live music. Individual tickets are $15 or $30 for a family of four. Corporate sponsorships are also available. Proceeds go to support Columbus Home Children’s Services. Contact Sherrie Shuler for more information at 865-524-9896 or sherrie@ccetn.org.
Tennessee Right to Life is looking for volunteers to participate in the “Be a Life Saver” fundraiser on Saturday, April 27. Volunteers will be collecting donations at intersections around Knoxville and distributing pro-life literature. Money collected from this event will help fund the TRL pro-life billboards, booth fees for educational displays at venues around the area, the continued development of the memorial next to the Planned Parenthood clinic on Cherry Street, and the cost to purchase new educational materials. To register, contact the TRL office at 865-689-1339 or trlknox@trlknox.com.
The 2013 Ladies of Charity of Knoxville Golf Tournament is set for 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, May 3, at Egwani Farms Golf Course in Rockford. The format is four-person teams, best shot. Registration is $125 per individual and $500 per team. Prizes include first, second, third, and last place in each of two flights. A hole-in-one grand prize is a trip for two including four nights at the Lodge at Pebble Beach and rounds of golf at Pebble Beach, Spyglass, and Spanish Bay. Additional hole-in-one prizes and closest-to-the-pin and door prizes will be awarded. Sponsorships are available; sponsorships of $1,500 or more include a full team registration. For more information, contact Joe Fuhr at 865-693-1810 or jfuhr4221@aol.com.
Tennessee Right to Life will be running a Mother’s Day ad in the Knoxville News Sentinel on Sunday, May 12. Individuals, families, or memorials can be listed for $10 per person or $15 per family. Contact the Tennessee Right to Life office at 865-689-1339 or trlknox@trlknox.com to register.
The 11th annual Scouting retreat hosted by the Knoxville Diocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting will be held June 7-9 at the Christ Prince of Peace Retreat Center in Benton. The Franciscan Brothers will lead the retreat, which will focus on living the Year of Faith. Activities will include presentations by the brothers, games, eucharistic adoration, and Mass. All youth ages 13 to 18 are encouraged to attend. Scout development training will also be offered for adults. The cost is $30 per person before May 1 and $40 afterward. To register, visit www.kdccs.org/scouting-retreat or mail a check to KDCCS, 10700 Leeward Lane, Knoxville, TN 37934. For more information on the Franciscan Brothers, visit www.franciscanbrothersminor.com.
The 10th annual Pro-Life Women’s Day on the Hill is set for 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 17, in Nashville. The event gives women a chance to speak with state legislators and advocate for life. Carol Tobias, president of the National Right to Life Committee, will speak at a luncheon at the Sheraton Nashville Downtown. Cost is $30 per person or $300 for a table of 10. Child care is available at $5 per child. Contact Myra Simons at myra.simons@comcast.net for more information.
The next Engaged Encounter will be held the weekend of April 12-14 at the Holiday Inn Express in Lenoir City. To register, contact Jason and Carmen Jeansonne at 865-377-3077 or ceeknoxville@yahoo.com. For more information, visit the website www.engagedencounter.org/community.asp.
Mass in the extraordinary form (“traditional Latin”) is celebrated at 1:30 p.m. each Sunday at Holy Ghost Church in Knoxville; at 3 p.m. on first and third Sundays at St. Thérèse of Lisieux Church in Cleveland; at 3 p.m. on second, fourth, and fifth Sundays at St. Joseph the Worker Church in Madisonville; at 11 a.m. on most Sundays at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Townsend; and at 3 p.m. on second and fourth Sundays at St. Mary Church in Johnson City. Visit www.knoxlatinmass.net for updated information.
The St. Thomas the Apostle Ukrainian Catholic Mission celebrates Divine Liturgy at 9:30 a.m. Sundays in the lower level of Holy Cross Anglican Church, 515 Herron Road, Knoxville, TN 37934. Note the time change. All services are in English. Call Father Richard Armstrong at 865-584-3307 or visit www.saintthomas-knoxville.org for details.
Holy Resurrection Ruthenian Byzantine Catholic Mission has Divine Liturgy celebrations at 9:30 a.m. Sundays at the old Holy Ghost Church, 1031 N. Central St. in Knoxville. For times of holy-day services or for more information, visit www.knoxbyz.org or call Father Thomas O’Connell at 865-256-4880.