Holy Spirit, Soddy-Daisy
The St. Vincent de Paul Society held a luncheon for senior citizens at the Soddy-Daisy Community Center on April 4.
Our Lady of Lourdes, South Pittsburg
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish will sponsor the annual Walk-Around Rosary at the Virgin of the Poor Shrine in New Hope each Sunday in May beginning at 2 p.m. (CDT). A plenary indulgence may be obtained during a visit to the shrine. For more information, contact Barry McDevitt at 423-834-1843.
St. Augustine, Signal Mountain
The youth group sold Krispy Kreme doughnuts to fund its trip to the National Catholic Youth Conference, which will be held in Indianapolis on Nov. 26-28.
St. Jude, Chattanooga
The parish Good Samaritan Collection for April supported the Family Violence Center of the Partnership for Families, Children, and Adults. Items collected included diaper wipes, pillows, laundry detergent, and bath towels.
The St. Jude Church alternative Christmas gift-giving project collected approximately $7,000 worth of gifts for needy families in the twin parish in Gros-Morne, Haiti.
St. Mary, Athens
Five new members of the Church were confirmed at the Easter Vigil, and one person was both baptized and confirmed.
St. Stephen, Chattanooga
The parish vacation Bible school will take place June 24-28. Children in kindergarten through sixth grade are encouraged to attend. Virtus-trained adults are being recruited to lead the classes. For details, contact Marilyn St. Pierre, parish DRE, at 423-892-2957.
Newcomers: Travis Server; Benito, Kerr-ann, Kaorie, and Kayden Garagan; Meghan Freeman and her son, Ethan; Dorota and Wojciech Mackiewicz; and Greg, Caroline, Abby and Cora Wesson
St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Cleveland
The St. Thérèse youth leadership team coordinated a lock-in that was held Feb. 22-23. Twenty-nine youth attended the event.
A group of 19 St. Thérèse of Lisieux Women of Faith members attended a spring retreat at the St. Bernard Retreat and Conference Center in Cullman, Ala.
More than 300 observers attended a Good Friday Living Stations event. Presented by more than 40 parishioners and others, the actors were dressed in costumes, many of which were purchased from Colombia. Isaiah Nichols played Jesus and also became Catholic on Easter weekend.