Good Shepherd, Newport
Good Shepherd Church is seeking a music minister to play guitar or organ and lead a small choir. Contact Monsignor Bob Hofstetter at 423-532-7382 for additional information.
Holy Trinity, Jefferson City
Laura Brown and Andy Watts entered the Church during the Easter Vigil at Holy Trinity.
Avaleigh Davis, Kaitlyn Jenkins, and Emma Mulligan received their first Holy Communion on May 5.
Eleven high school students received the sacrament of confirmation on April 27.
The parish accepted donations for the meals served before Stations of the Cross during the Lenten season. The $1,178.35 that was raised will be donated to feed the work teams that participate during the Appalachian Outreach housing projects in July.
Anniversaries: William and Elva Connors (63), Clyde and Joyce Ward (60), George and Jane Lane (50), James and Sue Burch (45), Bill and Rose Louberti (45)
Notre Dame, Greeneville
Joanne and Frank Dwyer will assume the responsibility of delivering parish donations to the local food bank. Lou Marrone will serve as a backup. Skip and Barb Thornton, the parishioners who had been delivering the food, are moving out of town. They were thanked for their long-term service by Father Jim Harvey, pastor of Notre Dame.
Items are being collected for the parish yard sale on Saturday, June 8. Items can be dropped off in the Ganz Youth Center. Contact the parish office for more information at 423-639-9381.
Anniversary: Richard and Joan Davis (5)
St. Dominic, Kingsport
The parish collected 425 new clothing items to benefit the New Clothes for Kids Lenten drive. The clothes will be distributed to needy children this spring and when school reopens in the fall.
St. Dominic Church collected diapers and baby wipes for Hope House, a faith-based, nonprofit ministry committed to supporting pregnant women and their families in crisis situations.
SonWest Roundup will be the theme of the parish vacation Bible school, which will meet from 6-8 p.m. June 10-14. Children ages 3 to 11 are eligible to attend. Registration will take place after weekend Masses before the event. Contact Karen Lewicki for more information at 423-288-8101 or
Father Michael Nolan was “locked up” to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association on May 1. Father Nolan needed to raise at least $3,200 in donations to post bail.St. Mary, Johnson City
A pizza lunch was served in appreciation for the altar servers in the parish April 20.
Volunteers are being recruited to retrieve phone calls from the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry answering machine on a monthly basis. English and Spanish-speaking volunteers are needed. Contact Mary Meeks for details at 423-943-8255.
St. Patrick, Morristown
The pink envelope collection for the parish St. Vincent de Paul Society will be resumed the third Sunday of each month. An increase in the number of requests for assistance for food and utility bill assistance has prompted the need for the collection.
Drs. Wesley White and Jose Amador will perform free prostate examinations from 8 a.m. to noon and from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, May 18, at the Health Department located at 331 W. Main St. in Morristown. An optional prostate-specific antigen test will be offered for free this year. The event is sponsored by the parish Knights of Columbus.