Parish notes: Five Rivers Deanery

Holy Trinity, Jefferson City

The parish collected food for Kingswood School, a group home for displaced children between the ages of 5 and 18, during the weekend of May 4-5.

The Life Outreach Center thanked Holy Trinity Parish for its donations of more than $41,000 to help fund efforts to support women in crisis pregnancies.

The “SonWest Roundup” vacation Bible school will be hosted by Holy Trinity Church from 6 to 8:30 p.m. June 25-28. A cookout for participants and their families will take place after the 5 p.m. vigil Mass on Saturday, June 29. Call the parish office for more information at 865-471-0347.

Anniversaries: Jim and Lillian Katzback (55), James and Sandra Fjerstad (10)

Newcomers: Leon and Lisa Thompson and family

Notre Dame, Greeneville

“Fiesta!” is the theme of the parish vacation Bible school scheduled on Wednesday nights in June from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Activities planned include Bible study, skits, a desert drive-in, cactus crafts, and music. A camp-out is planned for the teen staff on the last day of the Bible school as well as a pool party and cookout for all of the participants at Kinser Park. Call Susan Collins for more information at 423-639-9381.

The high school youth group is planning a trip to Doe River Gorge Day Quest on Saturday, Aug. 3. The cost will be $25 per person and will include lunch. Space is limited. Call Susan Collins for more information at 423-639-9381.

St. Dominic, Kingsport

“SonWest Roundup” will be the theme of the vacation Bible school scheduled for 6 to 8 p.m. June 10-14. Children ages 3 through 11 are welcome to attend. To register or to volunteer, contact Karen Lewicki at 423-288-8101 or

St. Dominic Parish collected diapers during May for Hope House, a faith-based non-profit agency that assists pregnant women and their families in the Kingsport area.

St. Henry, Rogersville

The women of St. Henry held their monthly luncheon at Big Creek Restaurant in Rogersville on May 15.

Anniversaries: Ernest and G. G. Hampton (45), Donald and Paula Burslie (45), Tony and Patricia Wilkosz (45), Mike and Carol Rogan (30), Ron and Kathy Campbell (25)

St. Patrick, Morristown

Luis and Carmen Crespo were honored by the state Knights of Columbus as the State Family of the Year at the 110th annual Knights of Columbus State Convention in Franklin.

The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring the Medic Blood Mobile for a blood drive in the front parking lot of the church from 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Wednesday, June 12. Contact the parish for more information at 423-586-9174.