Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Chattanooga
Catholic Charities of Chattanooga thanked parishes around the area for supporting their annual dinner. Over $55,000 was raised to support the various ministries sponsored by the charity.
The parish was thanked for its $4,105 contribution to Oklahoma tornado relief.
St. Augustine, Signal Mountain
The American Haitian Foundation thanked the parish for its support of the White Hot Sock Hop to benefit the parish’s twin school in Haiti. The foundation shipped a container filled with more than 255,000 meals to the school.
Parish bookkeeper Dolores Coughlin is retiring after 13 years at St. Augustine Church. The parish thanked her for her years of service as both a volunteer and paid employee of the church.
St. Jude, Chattanooga
Father Joseph C. DeGuzman, FSSP, son of St. Jude parishioners Jose and Blessie DeGuzman, was ordained a priest of the Order of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter on June 1 at the Cathedral of the Risen Christ in Lincoln, Neb. His first Mass was celebrated at St. Jude Church on June 15.
St. Mary, Athens
Power Lab, the parish vacation Bible school, will take place July 21-24. The week will begin with a bilingual Mass at 10 a.m. Sunday, July 21, followed by an afternoon of activities, and then meet from 6-8:30 p.m. on July 22-24. Children ages 5 through 11 are invited to attend. For more information, call Sue Granger at 423-506-7836 or Kathy Porterfield at 865-228-3416.
St. Stephen, Chattanooga
Anniversaries: Warren and Juanita White (60), Pat and Jack O’Keefe (57)
Newcomers: George and DeEtte Vaughan
St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Cleveland
Deacon Dave and Kathleen Grusek were welcomed to the parish at a reception after the Masses on June 22 and 23.
The military support group meets on second Mondays in the Trinity Room. The group is collecting adult-sized wipes, canned meats, protein bars, and other snacks to ship to members of the Armed Services overseas. Call Muriel for more details at 423-473-8884.
The conclusion of the parish’s observance of Fortnight For Freedom will take place at the 8:30 a.m. Mass on Thursday, July 4.
Parishioners are asked to bring donations during July to help the parish get a head start on its annual Three Kings Feast collections. There will be two boxes in the vestibule, one for blankets (regular, queen, and king) and a smaller box for monetary donations. For more information, call Norma at 423-790-1593.