Parish notes: Cumberland Mountain Deanery

All Saints, Knoxville

The parish is sponsoring a new caregiver support group under the direction of Tony and Lynn Venafro. The group is designed to assist family members with coping with the stress of caregiving and to enhance their ability to embrace the challenges of the task. Call Mr. or Mrs. Venafro at 865-694-9252 for more information.

St. Francis of Assisi, Fairfield Glade

The feast of the Assumption, a holy day of obligation, will be celebrated at a vigil Mass at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 14, and 10 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 15.

The parish book club, the Page Turners, will meet at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 20, in the library. The group will discuss the book, The Eighth Promise: An American Son’s Tribute to His Toisanese Mother (Rodale Books, 2007) by William Poy Lee.

Anniversaries: Jim and Helen McGonagle (67), George and Jean McGonagle (62), Robert and Madonna Boncher (61), William and Mary Best (59), Ralph and Lois Taylor (56), Ben and Jackie Ryba (56), James and Laura Knoll (56), Russell and Edith Uboldi (55), James and Corrine Gabriel (54), Paul and Carole Forkapa (54), Jerome and Carol Scherer (53), Tom and Peg Clifford (53), Ray and Joan Nadolny (52), Mike and Betty Converse (51), Elliott and Nonie Bueche (50)

St. John Neumann, Farragut

The St. John Neumann youth group collected school supplies for children at Blessed John Paul II Catholic Mission in Rutledge and Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Mission in Maynardville during July.

The parish St. Vincent de Paul Society holds meetings at 9 a.m. on second and fourth Saturdays in the school library. The group visits nursing homes, holds food drives for the Ladies of Charity, makes prayer blankets for hospital patients and the homebound, and publishes the Parish Resource Guide. For more information, call the St. Vincent de Paul Society at 865-963-6867.

St. John Neumann School needs a piano in good condition. Contact Jonathan Leichman at to make donation arrangements.

St. Mary, Oak Ridge

The parish held a reception for parishioner Matthew Kirrman after weekend Masses on July 20-21. Mr. Kirrman will be attending Bishop Simon Bruté College Seminary in Indianapolis this fall.

St. Therese, Clinton
The parish recently welcomed Virginia Knowles as its new secretary and bookkeeper.

Father Julius Abuh celebrated the 21st anniversary of his priestly ordination July 18.