Immaculate Conception, Knoxville
The parish collected $2,308.85 for the Oklahoma tornado victims.
Baptism: Abel Heredia, son of Carole Heredia
Our Lady of Fatima, Alcoa
Bishop Richard Stika blessed the new Fatima Family Life Center on June 18. A dinner followed the Mass and dedication.
The parish raised over $3,200 for Oklahoma tornado relief.
Knights of Columbus Council 3832 congratulated Phylicia Tran and Katherine Pepperman, the winners of the 2013 Essay Contest. Each winner received a $500 scholarship for her essay. Both young ladies are active members of the parish.
Sacred Heart Cathedral
Totus Tuus, the annual vacation Bible school at Sacred Heart Cathedral, is scheduled for July 14-19. Activities will include catechesis, skits, crafts, and more. Grades one through six will meet 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, and grades seven through 12 will meet from 7-9 p.m. Sunday through Thursday. Registration is online at under the Faith Formation tab. Call Dave Wells for more information at 865-588-0249.
The staff at the Pregnancy Help Center thanked the parish for a $2,000 contribution made through the annual Baby Bottle Drive.
Sacred Heart Cathedral will be honoring graduating high school seniors at the 11 a.m. Mass on Sunday, July 14. A reception for graduates and their families will follow the Mass at the parish pavilion behind the school. RSVP to Kathleen Edwards at 865-558-4133 or
St. Albert the Great, Knoxville
The St. Albert the Great Church Adult Social netted more than $5,000 for the planned playground at the parish.
Father Chris Michelson thanked parishioners of St. Albert the Great for their contribution of $2,400 for the Oklahoma Tornado Relief Fund being coordinated by Catholic Charities.
Encounter: Experiencing God in the Everyday will be the Bible study being used by sixth- through 10th-grade students beginning at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 10, at the parish. The program will run for eight sessions during the summer. Register on the bulletin board at the back of the church or contact Melanie Toler at 865-250-2443.
St. Joseph the Worker, Madisonville
Beginning July 1, Father Joseph Hammond, CHS, coordinator of pastoral outreach for the Hispanic communities of the Cumberland and Smoky Mountain deaneries, will be celebrating Mass in Spanish at the parish on Sundays. The Mass time will be 12:30 p.m. Confession will be available in Spanish at 11:30 a.m. before the Spanish Mass.