PRAYING FOR LIFE Bishop Richard F. Stika leads a group of diocesan students and volunteers praying the rosary during the 40 Days for Life vigil in Knoxville. Photo by Stephanie Richer
Students from St. Joseph School in Knoxville and St. John Neumann School in Farragut joined Bishop Richard F. Stika March 13 in praying for the sanctity of life and an end to abortion in front of Planned Parenthood’s East Knoxville clinic at 710 N. Cherry St.
Bishop Stika led the students in praying the rosary as part of the 40 Days for Life observance taking place now through Palm Sunday at the Planned Parenthood site.
Bishop Stika thanked the students, who numbered nearly 30, as he spoke of God’s teachings about the sanctity of life.
The students held signs and banners that called for us to choose life and an end to abortion as well as support for pro-life options for pregnant women such as adoption.
Bishop Stika and the students were joined by several adults who were keeping vigil for the 40 Days of Life campaign that began on Ash Wednesday.
Pro-life supporters are keeping vigil from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day during the campaign.
The Planned Parenthood site was selected as the 40 Days location because the agency is the largest abortion provider in the nation and established its East Knoxville clinic, which is just south of Exit 390 on Interstate 40, in 2010.
A number of groups have signed up to keep vigil for one or more days during the pro-life campaign and several hundred people are expected to take part.