All Saints, Knoxville
The Hispanic ministry at All Saints will celebrate its fifth anniversary after the 7 p.m. Mass on Saturday, Oct. 4, at the parish pavilion. Music, dancing, and food from different Hispanic countries is planned for the evening. For more information, call the parish office at 865-531-0770.
Blessed Sacrament, Harriman
The Council of Catholic Women will sponsor its annual fall bazaar from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 11, in the church hall. Items include attic treasures, baked goods, crafts, and plants, and there will be a silent auction. Proceeds from the bazaar will benefit parish and community programs. For more information, contact Joann DeGroff at 865-354-8205 or
St. Francis, Fairfield Glade
Patty Johnson shared her experience with the National Council of Catholic Women’s 2014 Haiti Vision Trip during the CCW September meeting. The October meeting will focus on Amendment 1, which is a bill that will allow the Tennessee State Constitution to be changed so that limits may be placed on abortion laws in Tennessee.
Anniversaries: Walter and Delores Novak (68), Guy and Victoria Bretl (66), Les and Marjorie Cavell (66), Milton and Regina Jerabek (65), Ralph and Patty Hargraves (64), Dion and Emily Frate (64), Roger and Marguerite Audette (64), William and Arlene McShane (61), Herb and Ginny Adams (59), Tom and Terry Boylston (58), Eugene and Elaine Riggleman (57), Nick and Pat Santore (57), Bob and Dorothy Connor (57), Robert and Evelyn Tomaszewski (56), Ron and Marilyn Horstman (56), Roy and Jackie Richardson (55), Tom and Pauline Higgins (55), Rudy and Denise Difazio (54), Ron and Catherine DeBels (54), Mark and Karin Salsbury (53), Fred and Dottie Belvo (53), John and Virginia Smith (53), Pat and Sara Tripiciano (52), Lawrence and Myra Opatik (52), Charles and Pat Bunnell (52), Jerry and Diane Barbeau (50), Michael and Diane Treanor (50)
St. Joseph, Norris
The parish thanked all those involved in making the international dinner a success.
The Council of Catholic Women is participating in the “Caps of Love” project sponsored by the National Council of Catholic Women. Plastic bottle caps are being collected to be recycled, and the proceeds from the project will help provide wheelchairs for handicapped children.
Anniversary: Eric and Linda Rausch (40)
St. Therese, Clinton
The Council of Catholic Women rummage and bake sale will take place from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, Oct. 3, and Saturday, Oct. 4. For more information, call the parish office at 865-457-4073.
The parish will sponsor a Trunk or Treat from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 24. The event is free and open to the public. Call the parish office at 865-457-4073 for more information.