Knights of Columbus Father John Savoca Council 12633 in Lenoir City was awarded the distinction of Star Council, the international organization’s top honor for local councils.
The Star Council Award recognizes overall excellence in the areas of growing membership, promoting Knights of Columbus insurance benefits, sponsoring Catholic faith formation programs, and volunteering time through service-oriented activities.
A few of the more notable accomplishments of Council 12633 included the Coats for Kids initiative where 75 coats were gifted to Lenoir City Elementary students and 33 adult coats gifted to the Loudon VFW for homeless veterans; sponsoring two spiritual retreats; officiating the bocce ball competition at the 2019 Summer Special Olympics meet; and making multiple monetary and food donations to several food banks to support pandemic-created needs.
Grand Knight Joe Filosi said that “through various fundraisers, our council was able to donate over $25,000 to 18 local charitable organizations this past year.”