by Heidi Wigdahl, WBIR Channel 10 A nun’s devotion to God has led her to Knoxville. Sister Mary Gretchen Hoffman is with the Religious Sisters of Mercy (R.S.M.). “Really the intensity of His love was such that I knew I had to respond and it couldn’t just be a little. …
Sacred Heart principal named to diocesan schools post
Sedonna Prater, who has served as principal of Sacred Heart Cathedral School in Knoxville since 2004, has been named director of curriculum and instruction for the Diocese of Knoxville’s 10 schools. The appointment was announced Jan. 7 by Bishop Richard F. Stika and diocesan schools Superintendent Sister Mary Marta Abbott, …
Diocese continuing the legacy of Catholic health care in region
Bishop Stika names Sister of Mercy physician to direct new health services, St. Luke Guild ministry Sister Mariana Koonce has been in East Tennessee only since October, but already she feels a kinship with St. Mary’s Hospital, the longtime Catholic medical facility in Knoxville that has changed hands and …
Priestly lesson: sabbatical shows the journey never ends for Christ’s pilgrims
Father David Boettner walks the faith on long sojourn toward greater spiritual understanding When Father David Boettner, pastor of Sacred Heart Cathedral, returned to Knoxville Nov. 19 from a four-month sabbatical, parishioners and Sacred Heart Cathedral School students gave him a rousing welcome home. It was a fitting end to …
Diocesan seminarian Arthur Torres Barona a step closer to priesthood
JOHNSON CITY — Arthur Torres Barona is an important step closer to the priesthood following his ordination into the transitional diaconate Dec. 1 at St. Mary Church in Johnson City. Bishop Richard F. Stika welcomed the seminarian into the diaconate during an ordination Mass attended by priests and deacons from …
Order of Holy Sepulchre growing with help from diocese
New members taking an active role in supporting Christians in the Holy Land The Diocese of Knoxville’s presence in one of the oldest holy orders in the world continues to grow with the recent installation of five new members into The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. Monsignor …
Morning has broken at Camp Greenville
God’s presence can be felt when least expected, especially for seventh-graders rising early for a sunrise Mass. Camp Greenville, a YMCA-sponsored camp facility for youth and families in the northwestern part of South Carolina, is home this week to seventh-grade students from Sacred Heart Cathedral School in Knoxville. The annual …
Scientist leading parishioners through intersection of faith and reason
Deacon Mike Gouge is no stranger to scientific theory. In fact, the Ph.D. and recent retiree from Oak Ridge National Laboratory has thrived on research about the beginnings of the universe. Deacon Gouge has spent the fall preaching what he has practiced by leading an adult faith formation class called …
Sacred Heart School mock election is a study in politics
News reporters, TV cameras and political analysts weren’t huddled outside the halls of Sacred Heart Cathedral School on Tuesday, but maybe they should have been. The school was a hotbed of election activity as students took part in the electoral process, bringing to life what they’ve been studying in social …
Top speakers headline Eucharistic Congress that kicks off Jubilee year
The Diocese of Knoxville’s yearlong 25th anniversary jubilee will kick off Sept. 13-14 with a family weekend that includes a Eucharistic Congress for all the diocesan faithful featuring some of the most influential personalities in the U.S. Catholic Church—a lineup called “almost miraculous.” The two-day celebration will take place at …
Father Campbell builds a ministry on the water
Water is inspirational for Father Joe Campbell. He is quick to point out that Jesus often involved water in his teachings. As the pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in LaFollette and Christ the King Church in Tazewell, Father Campbell has found a way to include nearby Norris …
Diocese’s Year of Faith begins with speaker series on Vatican II
The Year of Faith has started in earnest in parishes across the diocese as the faithful seek a closer relationship with God. Sacred Heart Cathedral launched its Year of Faith celebration Oct. 17 with the first in a series of discussions on the Second Vatican Council and its important documents …