St. Ann Parish in Lancing serves its neighbors

The small Morgan County community ‘jumps at the chance’ to offer a Holiday Food Box distribution  By Bill Brewer A lot can happen in a year. And a lot did. Just ask the members of St. Ann Church in Lancing. During the 2022 Christmas holiday, parishioners in the Morgan County …

Carrying the cross is a spiritual (and school) exercise

Catholic keepsakes offer an effective way to hold the past, raise funds By Bill Brewer There is recycling. And then there is a spiritual aspect to recycling, which the Catholic Church encourages in ways such as Pope Francis’ recent encyclical and exhortation on the environment and care for our common …


‘He gave his all’

Father Ron Stone, pastor of Holy Cross Parish, dies following recent illness By Bill Brewer Father Ron Stone, pastor of Holy Cross Parish in Pigeon Forge, whose compelling conversion story was an inspiration for many people, died on Dec. 8 following a brief illness from cancer. He was 69. Archbishop …

A parish united for Ukrainians

OLPH parishioner leads church effort to make a new home for refugee family By Bill Brewer As unrest grips the Middle East and dominates the world’s attention, fighting continues to rage in Ukraine as that country’s military still battles Russia, a war that next month will enter its third year. …

Father Antony Punnackal cleared of Sevier charges

Father Antony Punnackal cleared of Sevier charges By Bill Brewer A jury in Sevier County has found Father Antony Punnackal not guilty of criminal charges brought against him last year. Father Punnackal, a priest with the Carmelites of Mary Immaculate order, was accused by a woman of two counts of …

St. Mary-Oak Ridge Knights council celebrates 75th anniversary

By Bill Brewer When the Father McRedmond Council of the Knights of Columbus was founded 75 years ago, a number of historic events framed the beginning of this faith-based Oak Ridge service organization. It was 1948, and the nation of Israel was created. Subsequently five Arab nations attacked the country. …

Columnist George Valadie pens book on perspectives

By Bill Brewer George Valadie has been writing columns for 25 years. And during that time an idea has been germinating that is just now flowering. The columnist has authored his first book, which is a compilation of his work writing for publications in the Diocese of Jackson, Miss., the …

Communion and Liberation

Diocesan chapter of ecclesial movement getting underway at St. John Neumann By Bill Brewer The Diocese of Knoxville is now home to a new lay ministry that traces its roots to Italy and whose mission is to form its members as adults in the Christian faith who seek Jesus Christ …


 Blessing the officers: man and his best friend

Police chaplain Fr. Charlie Donahue leads service for Knoxville’s finest By Bill Brewer With heavy hearts and a somber countenance on Oct. 6, Knoxville Police Department officers and their canine partners received prayers and a blessing from Father Charlie Donahue, CSP, to mark the feast of St. Francis of Assisi …

 Archbishop Fabre blesses new CCETN offices

Grand reopening event showcases renovated headquarters for the public By Bill Brewer Archbishop Shelton J. Fabre blessed Catholic Charities of East Tennessee’s newly renovated Knoxville offices on Sept. 27 during a public ribbon-cutting event for supporters, volunteers, staff, and clients of the Diocese of Knoxville social-services agency. It was the …

Elizabethton celebrates 100 years of Catholicism

St. Elizabeth parishioners unite for a church-wide feast and widespread reminiscing on the centennial   By Bill Brewer You’ve come a long way, St. Elizabeth. The patroness of Carter County’s only Catholic community surely is smiling as St. Elizabeth Parish in Elizabethton celebrates 100 years of Catholicism in the upper East …

Welcoming back students is FOCUS of UT group

Catholic young adult ministry is ready to assist those returning to college campuses By Bill Brewer College students across the Diocese of Knoxville were greeted back to campus in recent days as the new school year also begins for this age group. And Catholic centers at East Tennessee State University, …