Virgin of the Poor Shrine has offered a place for prayer for 40 years By Emily Booker When people think of making a pilgrimage to a Marian shrine, they often think of a long journey to France, Mexico, or Portugal. But pilgrims can find a place of solace under the …
Revival: Christ in the Eucharist center of KCHS retreat
Eucharistic procession brings together high school community By Emily Booker Communion—with Christ and with one another—is the key to strengthening any Catholic community. So, on Sept. 16 the Knoxville Catholic High School community held an all-day student retreat focused on the Eucharist and communion with Christ. The theme stemmed from …
A living sacrifice
The Mass is the source for living and becoming the saints we are all called to be By Bishop Richard F. Stika “Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship.” — Romans 12:1 Striving for holiness. Each November when the Church celebrates all …
Making space for Christ to teach
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program engages children in learning a love of God By Emily Booker “My teaching is not mine, but his who sent me.” — John 7:16 There are lots of methods and theories about how to best teach a child, but when it comes to religious …
St. Dominic parishioners meet with new sister parish
Blackfeet Reservation in Montana is site of a mutually inspirational, faith-filled relationship By Emily Booker Whether in the green valleys of Appalachia or the windy buttes of Montana, you can find Catholics full of faith and love of Christ. The universality of the Church makes it possible to find family …
KDCCW food-packing service project presented to pope
By Emily Booker A key project of the Knoxville Diocesan Council of Catholic Women has received the accolades of Pope Francis. On June 11, the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organisations (WUCWO) Executive Committee met with the Holy Father. The committee presented the pope with two gifts demonstrating the spirituality …
Holy Family is the focus of KDCCW convention
Annual diocesan gathering takes place at St. Thérèse of Lisieux Parish in Cleveland By Emily Booker The family is the building block of society. The family is the domestic Church where children first learn about God. It is through a family that Jesus came into the world in human flesh. …
‘Arise, my beautiful one, and come’
Diocese of Knoxville’s new consecrated virgin dedicates her life to Christ, Church By Emily Booker Julie Radachy knew from an early age that she would one day be a bride of Christ. “This has kind of been an ongoing call for me,” Miss Radachy said. “I knew when I was …
Feeding the 5(0),000
KDCCW hosts meal-packing event to provide food for people in the nations of Haiti and Guatemala By Emily Booker “Jesus replied, ‘They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat’” (Matthew 14:16). With one boy’s offering of five loaves and two fish, Christ was able to …
‘You belong here’
Cathedral parish takes part in national initiative to engage young adults in faith By Emily Booker What was life like when you were 22? For some, it was graduating college, getting married, and settling down in a career. For others, it was cheap housing with several friends and partying between …
Feminine genius on display at KDCCW convention and Mass
By Emily Booker Women from across the diocese gathered to celebrate their faith, friendship, and femininity during the Knoxville Diocesan Council of Catholic Women annual convention at the Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in Knoxville June 10-12. Bishop Richard F. Stika celebrated the Mass of Remembrance on …
Proms offer a night to remember in COVID year
Notre Dame and Knoxville Catholic high school events give seniors a chance to dress up and celebrate By Emily Booker Prom. The end-of-year formal that high school rom-coms are made of. For many students, it is a highlight of high school, a night of fancy clothes, music, and friends, celebrating …