Saying yes, every day

More than 100 couples renew wedding vows during marriage Mass By Maggie Parsons More than 100 couples from across the Diocese of Knoxville gathered at the Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus on Feb. 23 to celebrate the sacrament of marriage and renew their wedding vows. The joyous …

Lent: A spiritual springtime

Practical thoughts on celebrating the Lenten season that is upon us By Bishop Mark Beckman Lent is the time each year when we are immersed more deeply in the mystery of Jesus Christ. During the course of the year, it is easy to lose track of what being a Christian …

‘One of the most powerful days of the year’

Parishes see strong attendance at Ash Wednesday Masses as Lent begins The East Tennessee Catholic Catholics ushered in Lent on Ash Wednesday at churches across East Tennessee as they begin their annual journey to Easter, April 19-20. Faithful of all ages received their ashen crosses that signify Christ’s Passion and …

Diocesan-wide survey is underway

The East Tennessee Catholic Bishop Mark Beckman is asking everyone in the Diocese of Knoxville, from high school juniors and seniors to senior citizens, to complete a unique survey that will gauge their interest and involvement in their parishes. The survey, called the Disciple Maker Index, is a tool provided …

2025 Lenten penance services

During Lent, Catholics are encouraged to make going to confession a significant part of their spiritual lives. Many parishes in the diocese offer penance services during the season, where multiple priests are available to hear confessions. Below are the Lenten penance services received as of press time. Note that many …


Mary Catherine Hughes Willard

Knoxville Catholic leader and social worker Mary Catherine Hughes Willard died in her home on Feb. 16. She was 90 years old. Mrs. Willard was a longtime leader in the Knoxville Roman Catholic diocese. She coordinated the installation of the first two bishops of Knoxville and participated in the installation …

Kingsport Knights make $8,987 donation to Special Olympics

Knights of Columbus Aldo J Zazzi Council 6992 from St. Dominic Parish in Kingsport presented a check for $8,987 to Special Olympics Area 32 director Kelly Middleton on Jan. 8. The funds came from a grant of almost $9,000 provided by KIND Charities of Tennessee, a Knights-sponsored nonprofit charity that …

Eddie Ankar

Eddie Ankar, 76, of Chattanooga, a lifelong and faithful follower of Christ who attended Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Chattanooga, passed away on Oct. 7. Mr. Ankar was a beloved figure in his community, known for his dedication as an owner and operator of Ankar’s Hoagies, which is …

Cecile H. Grubb

Cecile Hachez Grubb, who was born on Dec. 12, 1934, in Cabano, Quebec, Canada, passed away on July 21 at the age of 89. Mrs. Grubb was very proud of her Canadian heritage and enjoyed speaking French with anyone she could. She was of the Catholic faith and was a …

Ebon Ralph Grubb Jr.

Ebon Ralph Grubb Jr., a longtime member of St. Stephen Church in Chattanooga, passed away on Oct. 5 at the age of 94. Mr. Grubb was the first male baby born at St. Mary’s Hospital in Knoxville on May 10, 1930. He graduated from Knoxville Central High School in 1948. …

Ronald Barnum Sr.

Family and friends are honoring the life of beloved husband and father Ronald Barnum Sr., who passed away on Feb. 1 at the age of 92. Mr. Barnum was born in 1932 and was a member of the First Families of Tennessee. He was a devout Christian, a patriot, loving …

Focus on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving

They represent the totality of the Christian life, which calls us out of ourselves By Deacon Bob Hunt Lent is a season of transformation. The Church calls us to focus on three aspects of our Christian life: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. But focusing on these aspects of the Christian life …