Some endure months, years without sacraments

‘Our own experience during the lockdown can inspire us to appreciate the freedoms we possess’ By Bob Hunt As I write this, the Church is approaching the celebration of our Lord’s Ascension. The week after, Pentecost Sunday, our diocese will begin to celebrate public Sunday Mass again, with some restrictions …

In these times, meditate on faith, hope, and love

As Christians, we are called to a greater response to whatever challenges our community By Bob Hunt I am writing this in the middle of the coronavirus national emergency. As of this writing, my daughter’s school is on an extended spring break, many restaurants and other businesses have closed their …

Love unites hearts, and hearts united unite wills

We can stumble, however, if we commit the common error of convincing ourselves that our will is God’s will By Bob Hunt “The chief effect of love is to unite the hearts of those who love each other so that they have the same will. Hence the more we submit …

The season of reflection

Advent, Christmas are the times of the year to think about the presence of Christ among us, especially in the Eucharist By Bob Hunt Advent and Christmas seasons are times for reflecting on the presence of Christ among us. During Advent, we prepare for the solemnity of the Incarnation by …

We are part of the communion of saints even now

It is our identity as baptized members of the Body of Christ that makes us saints By Bob Hunt I want to be a saint. I don’t say that with any arrogance, much less with any presumption that my canonization will be imminent upon my death. Still, I do say …

A study of the cynical Book of Qoheleth

Also known as Ecclesiastes, the book is among the wisdom books of the Old Testament By Bob Hunt I’ve been reading the Book of Qoheleth, also known as Ecclesiastes, attributed to Solomon because of the opening line, “The words of David’s son, Qoheleth, king in Jerusalem” (Ecclesiastes 1:1). It is …

Thoughts and Prayers for the Faithful: Let’s truly celebrate Easter

Whatever prayers you’ve taken on for Lent, continue them for Easter as acts of thanksgiving By Bob Hunt So, how’s your Lent going? We’re in early April now, so by this time our Lenten commitments, much like our New Year’s resolutions come the first week of February, have either proven …

For our salvation: We are here to fulfill our human nature

Christ restores human nature to the dignity it held before the Fall By Bob Hunt “He who is the “image of the invisible God” is himself the perfect man who has restored in the children of Adam that likeness to God which had been disfigured ever since the first sin. …