Many people are thanked for their efforts over the years to benefit marriage-support events By Marian Christiana This article is going to have two parts to it. At first glance, they may not seem to fit together, but stick with me and I think that you will see the connection. …
Marriage Enrichment: Call to Love conference spiritually uplifting
One participant says, ‘Our marriages are the fire, the warmth, and the light of God’s love in the world’ By Marian Christiana Our first Call to Love Marriage Conference was held March 23 at the Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Sixty-four couples participated in this bilingual event. …
Marriage Enrichment: A Valentine’s Day gift that will help build intimacy
Write a letter to your spouse that mentions an instance that makes you feel grateful for him or her By Marian Christiana It is that time of year again when romance is in the air and the thought of love fills our hearts. It is almost Valentine’s Day, and Valentine’s …
Marriage enrichment: Find your own George Bailey in your life
The lives of the writer’s family would be been much different if not for the faith of an older sister By Marian Christiana Advent is a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the coming of Jesus. It is one thing to be prepared to welcome Jesus but quite another …
Marriage Enrichment: Attending the World Meeting of Families in Dublin
Pilgrims ‘had the wonderful privilege to be part of a weeklong celebration . . . with people from all over the world’ By Marian Christiana Wow! What an experience! The World Meeting of Families 2018 in Dublin, Ireland, is now part of the history of the Church and its people. …
Marriage Enrichment: Making eye contact makes all the difference
‘It’s hard for people to see the face of Jesus in our or see Jesus in others if we never look directly at them’ By Marian Christiana Summer is not even over yet, but, so far, this one has been a doozy! My husband, Ralph, and I have had a …
Marriage Enrichment: A few tips for reducing conflict on family vacations
Meeting together before the trip and going over expectations can help ‘avoid ruffled feathers’ on the journey By Marian Christiana Summer is upon us, and many of us will be using our vacation time to visit family. My husband, Ralph, and I just returned from such a vacation. I say …
Marriage enrichment: Giving up procrastinating ends up helping marriage
A timely Lenten goal has an unexpected benefit, and longest-married couples can teach the same lesson By Marian Christiana Happy Easter season! I hope you all had a very fulfilling Lenten season and are rejoicing in the Risen Lord. I have to admit that my Lenten journey was a bit …
Marriage Enrichment: A month dedicated to love and romance
February is a time to focus on marital relationships and a time to celebrate long marriages By Marian Christiana February is nationally recognized as the month dedicated to love and romance. Feb. 14 is Valentine’s Day, a day when people celebrate the established loving relationships in their lives or the …
Marriage enrichment: Give the gift of travel to someone you love
The diocese is sponsoring a pilgrimage to the World Meeting of Families next year in Dublin, Ireland By Marion Christiana As the song says, “It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go…,” and trying to find that perfect gift for your spouse or loved ones can …
Marriage Enrichment: Can you be a marital ‘first responder’?
A new program in the diocese will help sustain marriages by tapping into the power of support networks by Marian Christiana The Office of Marriage Preparation and Enrichment is introducing what we think is an exciting new training program called “Marital First Responders.” This program is developed by The Doherty …
Marriage Enrichment: Is your marriage an evangelization tool?
Couples can model the qualities of positive marriages to the outside world by serving as mentors to others by Marian Christiana Have you ever considered your marriage to be an evangelization tool? I have to admit that until I started working for the Office of Marriage Preparation and Enrichment the …