Giving to others an audience with Christ through works of mercy is a blessing we are all called to be In my younger days I always found the concept of the pope to be something distant. After all, the pope did not live in St. Louis or even in the …
Living the readings: Are we almost there yet?
Bible never disappoints as it deals with a multitude of endings Most every piece of literature ever written begins with an implied promise. By its very nature, it assures you it will come to an ending. There are some notable exceptions, but those are spoken of with disappointment or downright …
Marriage enrichment: Building peace begins in our families
Important message of Pope Francis should enter our hearts at home, then spread throughout the world On Easter Sunday, during Pope Francis’ Urbi et Orbi Easter blessing in St. Peter’s Square, he asked that his message of peace enter into people’s hearts and “go out to every house and every …
Understanding the sacraments: ‘A great mystery’
A mystagogical catechesis of the sacrament of marriage and the sacrament’s effect on our lives Marriage is intimately woven into the plan of salvation as revealed in the Old and New Testaments. “Sacred Scripture begins with the creation of man and woman in the image and likeness of God and …
Once upon a time: Giving thanks for the month of Mary
The number of parishes dedicated to our Blessed Mother illustrates Diocese of Knoxville’s devotion Another month of May for which to give thanks to God. May, the month of Mary, is in our Northern Hemisphere a spring-time month during which Mother Nature seems to join with her beautiful flora to …
He dwells among us: What we take for granted
St. Joseph helps us to keep Christ close to our hearts so we too can be better protectors of God’s gifts Once again we can sing the “Gloria” of the Mass and repeat those words so central to our faith—“Christ is Risen.” But I must say, it seemed as if …
What Easter is all about
To Easter glory, the good news of Christ’s resurrection lifts us all April begins the day after Easter. One might, therefore, jump to the conclusion that the month would be a let-down from the 40 days of preparation for the feast and the great liturgies of Holy Week. Quite the …
Marriage enrichment: Savvy marital advice––celebrate humor
Laughter a key ingredient in growing a relationship; children offer top 10 tips for good spousal friendship The 2013 Marriage Celebrations with Bishop Stika are over for the year and planning for the 2014 celebrations has begun. During his homilies at the three celebrations this year Bishop Stika shared a …
Understanding the sacraments: ‘Heal the sick’: a mystagogical catechesis
Healing was an important part of Jesus’ earthly ministry; the apostolic Church continues this ministry Healing was an important aspect of Jesus’ earthly ministry—“his many healings of every kind of infirmity are a resplendent sign that ‘God has visited his people’ and that the Kingdom of God is close at …
Once upon a time: World is witness to new, improved papal election
Holy Spirit at work as selection of pontiffs for over a century has been a smooth process without controversy Wow! Habemus papam! Awesome to today’s ninth-grade student, the election of Pope Francis in March seemed quite different from that student’s experience in primary school. To that same individual’s parents and …
He dwells among us: A miracle repeated
For 2,000 years, the Church has been blessed and guided by a successor of St. Peter The Church is now without a Pope—the See of Peter is vacant. Although he who was called Benedict XVI still is with us, we nonetheless mourn the passing of his pontificate, lifting him up …
Living the readings: From the heart of Lent…
To Easter glory, the good news of Christ’s resurrection lifts us all By the time March begins, Lent already has completed 40 percent of its lifespan. Deep into this time of relearning the basics of our faith and intensifying our relationship with God, the Sunday Liturgy of the Word continues …