Cathedral construction reaches its halfway point as Bishop Stika inscribes his motto in dome of our new mother church By Bill Brewer “Jesus, I trust in you.” These world were never more appropriate than when Bishop Richard F. Stika strapped on a safety harness, climbed into a mechanical boom lift, …
Diocese mourns loss of Hispanic Ministries Director Lourdes Garza
Bishop Stika, Cardinal Rigali lead funeral Mass as regional, national Latino communities pay tribute to Chancery official By Bill Brewer Maria de Lourdes Garza, the Diocese of Knoxville’s director of Hispanic Ministry since 2004 who passed away July 9 at age 63 after a long, courageous battle with cancer, was …
Completing their mission: St. Michael the Archangel community working to fulfill dream of becoming parish
By Dan McWilliams God has performed many marvelous deeds for St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Mission in Erwin, and the story is not finished yet. The Unicoi County mission has now outgrown a second location, as it looks forward to the construction of a multipurpose building on its 12½-acre plot …
The presence of Jesus in our midst
Priests, deacons, religious, faithful gather together at Chrism Mass for Holy Week celebration By Dan McWilliams The priests, deacons, religious, and faithful from throughout the diocese who filled Sacred Heart Cathedral, the holy oils, the banners from every parish, the music—all combined to make the Chrism Mass on March 22 …
A Legacy of Healing
Patients, volunteers in growing numbers are drawn to the mercy of a mobile clinic By Bill Brewer Reimbursements for medical care given by the St. Mary’s Legacy Clinic come in various forms when the mobile doctor’s office makes its rounds treating East Tennessee patients. “Thank you,” “I appreciate what you …
‘We stand on the shoulders of many’
St. Thérèse of Lisieux Parish celebrates a century of Catholicism in Cleveland, looks forward to the future By Jim Wogan Long before the Diocese of Knoxville existed, back when the seeds of Catholicism were starting to sprout roots in the spiritual soil of East Tennessee, Father Paul Hostettler was helping …
Upon this Rock
Pope Francis blesses dedication stone for new Sacred Heart Cathedral and prays for Church’s foundation in East Tennessee. By Bill Brewer The Church’s building blocks come in all shapes and sizes. One in particular made its way from a Tennessee Valley marble seam to Rome, where Pope Francis blessed it …
Growing the lay apostolate
Catholic Bible School is at the heart of the Diocese of Knoxville’s Hispanic evangelization By Bill Brewer August just wasn’t the same for Gladys and Juan Herrera. They missed the excitement of starting a new school year, reconnecting with classmates and all the possibilities that new learning brings. But after …
‘How could it happen?’
Bishop Stika offers message of faith, forgiveness as Chattanoogans mourn deaths of servicemen By Bill Brewer and Jim Wogan An outpouring of sympathy and prayer has embraced the Chattanooga community and the families of five military men who were slain last month by a gunman who opened fi re on …
Nativity story has implications for current issues occurring globally
VATICAN CITY (CNS)—The Nativity story, like the whole story of Christ, is not merely an event in the past, but has unfolding significance for people today, with implications for such issues as the limits of political power and the purpose of human freedom, Pope Benedict writes in his third and …
Cali seminarian embraces challenges of priestly studies
Arthur Torres Barona served internship at St. Mary in Johnson City Arthur Torres Barona is a Theology III student at Sacred Heart School of Theology in Hales Corners, Wis. He recently completed an internship at St. Mary Parish in Johnson City. He is the son of Duvan Torres Gil and …
IC assignment gives Paulist priest southern exposure
Father Gerard Tully embraces Mother Mary after leaving Ma Bell Father Gerard Tully, CSP, is the associate pastor at Immaculate Conception Church in Knoxville, his first assignment in the southern United States. He has served in Arizona, Texas, Oregon, Rome, and Canada. Father Tully was the elder of two sons …