Typhoon hits close to home for Father Sescon

The killer typhoon that struck the Philippines in early November has been especially hard on Father Albert Sescon, pastor of St. Thérèse of Lisieux Parish in Cleveland. Father Sescon has a sister who lived in Tacloban, the city hardest hit by Typhoon Haiyan, known as Typhoon Yolanda in the Philippines. …

Diocesan calendar

Knoxville Catholic High School is accepting applications for the 2014-15 school year and registering students for the placement test. Visit www.knoxvillecatholic.com/admissions/apply to access the online application. All applications and supporting documents are due by Friday, Feb. 14. To register for the placement test, contact Nichole Pfohl, dean of admissions, at …

Johnsons celebrate 50th wedding anniversary

Don and Judy Johnson of St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Fairfield Glade celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary July 13 with a dinner and music held in the parish’s Sheehan Hall. The Johnsons were married at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Marinette, Wis. The couple’s children are Jeff Johnson …

Parish notes: Chattanooga Deanery

Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Chattanooga The parish is participating in the Angel Tree program again this year. Participants need to choose an angel and purchase the gift listed on the ornament and place it under the tree. Call the parish office at 423-622-1481 for more information. St. Jude, Chattanooga …

Chattanooga Deanery calendar

The Sant’Egidio Community meets every Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the University of Tennessee Catholic Student Center in Chattanooga. For more information, contact Father Michael Cummins at 423-624-4618. For further information on the community in general, visit www.santegidio.org. The online ChattiGras auction benefiting Chattanooga-area Catholic schools begins Jan. 27, 2014. …

Parish notes: Cumberland Mountain Deanery

All Saints, Knoxville Phillip Joseph Kiefer, son of David and Mitzi Kiefer, was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout at a ceremony held Sept. 14. Phillip refurbished and relocated three bat houses at the Knoxville Zoo for his Eagle project. Phillip is a member of Troop 147 chartered at West …

Cumberland Mountain Deanery calendar

The All Saints Council of Catholic Women will sponsor the fifth annual Advent by Candlelight at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 3, in the parish hall. Participants will decorate a table and provide a dessert. Contact Catherine McHugh at 865-694-4971 or rcmcmchugh@aol.com for more information.   Jared and Monica Kimutis, certified …

Dr. Carla Nickle speaks to Notre Dame CCW

he Council of Catholic Women of Notre Dame Parish in Greeneville held its monthly meeting Oct. 20. Dr. Carla Nickle, daughter-in-law of Bernadette Moughamer, vice president of the Notre Dame CCW, was the guest speaker and gave a presentation and slide show about her deployment as an Army doctor in …

Parish notes: Five Rivers Deanery

Holy Trinity, Jefferson City The parish collected gifts for Operation Christmas Child, a program that sends toys, clothing, and other items in shoeboxes to children overseas. Newcomer: Cherise Martines Anniversaries: Joseph and Sally Braschler (30), Raymond and Nina Smith (25), Timothy and Victoria Schneider (15), Ralph and Aurora Levin (15), …

Five Rivers Deanery calendar

The seventh annual Madrigal Dinner will be held at Notre Dame Church in Greeneville at 6:30 p.m. Thursday through Saturday evenings, Dec. 5-7. The evening will include a four-course meal, 15th- and 16th-century carols sung by the Madrigal “court” in period costumes, and a magic show by Notre Dame pastor …

Parish notes: Smoky Mountain Deanery

Blessed John XXIII, Knoxville The parish is recruiting volunteers for participants in the annual Elf Project. Donors, donor/shoppers, and volunteer shoppers are needed to assist clients of the program to shop for Christmas gifts for themselves or their families. Call the parish office for more information at 865-523-7931. Holy Family, …

Smoky Mountain Deanery calendar

A Seekers of Silence Contemplative Saturday Morning will be held Dec. 7 at Blessed John XXIII Catholic Center in Knoxville. David Waite will speak on the topic “The Twelve Steps of Recovery.” Coffee and tea will be served at 8:30 a.m.; the workshop will run from 9 a.m. to noon. …