KCHS’s Bryn Tucker selected to play in Under Armour All-America Game

By Dan McWilliams Knoxville Catholic High School offensive lineman Bryn Tucker has been selected as one of more than 90 players nationwide to participate in the Under Armour All-America Game, set for 6 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 2, in Orlando, Fla. “Bryn has been a great representative of Knoxville Catholic High …

Patty Johnson receives NCCW award

The National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW) announced that the 2019 Our Lady of Good Counsel (OLGC) Award winner is Patty Johnson. The award was presented Oct. 6 at her home parish of St. Francis of Assisi in Fairfield Glade following Mass. The Knoxville Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (KDCCW) …

St. Mary’s Legacy Clinic marks anniversary, honors volunteers

By Dan McWilliams The St. Mary’s Legacy Clinic marked its sixth anniversary Nov. 4 at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Lenoir City with its fifth Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon. The day began with Mass celebrated by Monsignor Pat Garrity, assisted by Deacon Gil Campos, who is one of the mobile …

CCETN luncheon benefits children’s shelter

University of Tennessee athletics director Phillip Fulmer keynotes the 365 Days of Hope event By Emily Booker Teamwork, community, and children’s safety were on the minds of everyone attending Catholic Charities of East Tennessee’s 365 Days of Hope Luncheon on Nov. 24 at The Press Room in Knoxville. The annual …

Goal of becoming a ‘good’ person falls short of sainthood

God became man so that men might become gods, which goes far beyond just doing the right thing By Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM One objection to Christianity (and it seems religion in general) is the statement: “I don’t need religion to be a good person.” The implication in such …

Are miracles the key to sainthood?

The human factor can go a long way toward determining who’s included in the book By George Valadie Perhaps this would have been a better topic for November’s issue, but I ask you to think back to your favorite saint. The one you most admire from having read that book. …

The season of reflection

Advent, Christmas are the times of the year to think about the presence of Christ among us, especially in the Eucharist By Bob Hunt Advent and Christmas seasons are times for reflecting on the presence of Christ among us. During Advent, we prepare for the solemnity of the Incarnation by …


Called to be mothers of Christ

Christ longs to be conceived in our heart and to be given birth in all we do, think, and say By Bishop Richard F. Stika “She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus.” — Matthew 1:21 Recently, I was shown an icon of the Nativity of …

Bishop Stika represents diocese on papal ad limina visit

Pope Francis receives bishops of Southeast provinces for decennial meeting in Vatican By Jim Wogan The last time Bishop Richard F. Stika visited the Vatican, he carried a 20-pound slab of polished Tennessee marble with him. Even the bishop admits it was a bit cumbersome. The stone, which was blessed …

Advent penance services scheduled around the diocese

Below are the Advent penance services around the diocese, received as of press time: Chattanooga Deanery 7 p.m. EST, unless noted. Dec. 2—St. Bridget, Dayton, 6:30 p.m. Dec. 4—Holy Spirit, Soddy-Daisy Dec. 5—Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Chattanooga, 6 p.m. Dec. 8—St. Augustine, Signal Mountain, 5 p.m. Dec. 10—St. Jude, …