‘The priesthood of Jesus Christ: it’s not only carrying the cross, it’s carrying the Eucharist. And that is a beautiful thing’ By Bill Brewer Bishop Richard F. Stika marked the 35th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood on Dec. 14, a date that is forever ingrained in his memory, …
Anchored in Christ
2021 Bishop’s Appeal, which assists vital ministries, begins amid fallout from the pandemic By Jim Wogan Each year, parishioners of the Diocese of Knoxville are asked to contribute to the annual diocesan Bishop’s Appeal. The appeal allows the faithful to offer vital financial support for the many ministries of the …
Diocesan parishes prepare for Lenten celebrations as Easter approaches
By The East Tennessee Catholic Bishop Richard F. Stika is looking forward to a more normal Lenten season and Easter celebration in 2021, unlike last year when a mysterious coronavirus shut down the world. With the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 17, Catholics across the Diocese of Knoxville …
Fr. Dustin Collins installed as pastor of St. Mary-Johnson City
Bishop Stika presides as diocesan priest becomes 24th pastor to lead Tri-Cities parish and school By Bill Brewer St. Mary Parish in Johnson City has a new pastor. And it’s the same priest who has been leading the parish since July 1, 2019. Bishop Richard F. Stika installed Father Dustin …
Bishop Stika’s decision on Communion upheld by Pope Francis
Holy See supports restriction, now lifted, for receiving Eucharist on the tongue due to COVID-19 By Jim Wogan The Vatican’s Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has supported Bishop Richard F. Stika’s decision last year, in light of the coronavirus pandemic, to suspend the distribution of …
Diocese Rosaries for Life to segue into Lenten 40 Days for Life
From staff reports The Diocese of Knoxville organized a day of rosaries for the sanctity of life on Jan. 22 as priests and parishioners from a number of churches stood — and knelt — in vigil in front of the Planned Parenthood abortion facility in East Knoxville. The diocesan Office …
Father Cummins: 25 years as a priest
The son of Upper East Tennessee is serving in the area he loves as pastor of St. Dominic in Kingsport By Bill Brewer Father Michael Cummins was socially distanced in 2020 in ways that had nothing to do with the coronavirus. And while it was a year indelibly marked in …
East Tennesseans’ faith comes to life
People throughout Diocese of Knoxville demonstrate their support for the sanctity of life By Bill Brewer The 2021 National March for Life in Washington, D.C., may have been canceled, but that didn’t stop East Tennessee pro-life supporters from marking the 48th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision …
God’s special carpenter
St. Joseph assists us in building our heart into a beautiful cathedral dwelling of God By Bishop Richard F. Stika “If the Lord does not build the house, in vain do its builders labor.” — Psalm 127:1 Of the many magnificent feats of construction in the history of human endeavors, …
Legacy of ‘Ethel’s Tree’ continues in Fairfield Glade
Story submitted by Mary Lampugnano of St. Francis of Assisi Parish Christmastime is a time of giving and of joy. Organizations come together to sponsor projects in their communities to help the needy or to bring joy to children by bringing gifts for underprivileged children. Many churches participate in this …
Knights of Columbus sponsor Men of the Cross online retreat
Substitute for mid-year business meeting inspired by call to make Knights councils and members more ‘Christo-centric’ By Andy Telli In his essence, God is love and relationship, Bishop J. Mark Spalding of the Diocese of Nashville said during the Men of the Cross online retreat sponsored by the Tennessee Council …
Diocesan schools raffle sales up 27.5 percent
In its second year as a straight raffle, the fundraiser awarded $27,000 in prize money for 2020-21 By Bill Brewer Despite ongoing challenges from COVID-19, Diocese of Knoxville schools are off to a healthy start in 2021. On Jan. 12, winners of the diocesan Catholic Schools annual raffle were drawn, …