Knoxville Catholic names new head football coach

By Dan McWilliams Knoxville Catholic High School named Dean Cokinos as its new head football coach Dec. 22 following the resignation of Korey Mobbs on Nov. 8 after he spent two seasons at the helm of the Fighting Irish. Mr. Cokinos brings a wealth of football experience from serving as …

Here’s a New Year’s resolution worth keeping

The potential for transformation is staggering if all U.S. Catholics could live the faith in each moment By Deacon Bob Hunt If you’ve ever read articles or listened to news reports on Catholic demographics, you’ll know that the news has been mostly bad for the last few decades. Reports are …

Fr. Augustine Idra marks 25th anniversary

Bishop Stika, priests, parishioners join together for Mass at St. Jude to celebrate the milestone By Claire Collins Father Augustine Idra, the regional superior for the Apostles of Jesus religious order and a former missionary to the Diocese of Knoxville, celebrated his 25th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood on …

Father Giraldo celebrates his 25th anniversary

‘The Almighty has done great things for me,’ says the Colombia-born priest on his silver jubilee   By Dan McWilliams Surrounded by the parishioners of St. Francis of Assisi in Townsend, whom he has led for five years as their pastor, Father Antonio Giraldo celebrated his 25th anniversary of priestly ordination …

‘Our love for the Blessed Mother’

Legion of Mary organization now active in 6 parishes and growing By Gabrielle Nolan Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. These prayerful words are recited during the rosary at every Legion of Mary meeting, to which members unite under the banner of the Blessed Mother. The …

‘A calling from the Lord’

Deacon John and Theresa Krepps share their adoption testimony By Gabrielle Nolan Theresa Krepps tells her children that even though they did not grow in her belly, they grew in her heart. Mrs. Krepps and her husband of 39 years, Deacon John Krepps, are the parents of five adopted children, …

‘In the joy of your house’

God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven begins in little house of Nazareth and in our hearts By Bishop Richard F. Stika “He went and dwelt in a town called Nazareth.” — Matthew 2:23 A dwelling in Nazareth. Christmas, like Easter, is so special, so full of wonder …

Catholic Charities marks anniversary of devastating fire

Work continues to renovate agency’s offices near downtown Knoxville By Bill Brewer More than a year after an arsonist broke into Catholic Charities of East Tennessee’s offices near downtown Knoxville and set a fire that destroyed much of the building, the social services agency is looking forward to moving back …


Bishop welcomes Benedictines

Two religious orders are relocating to East Tennessee from Italy By Bill Brewer The Diocese of Knoxville welcomed two new religious communities to East Tennessee on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe as the Benedictines of Divine Will and the Benedictine Daughters of Divine Will formally announced they are …

Bishop Stika, Cardinal Rigali react to the death of Pope Benedict XVI

By Jim Wogan Benedict XVI was pope emeritus longer than he was pope, and the sum of his influence on the Catholic Church will be analyzed and debated for decades and perhaps even centuries to come. Among those who served with and eventually under the man once known as Father, …

World mourns following the death of Pope Benedict XVI

His eight years serving the papacy capped a long ministry as teacher of the faith By Cindy Wooden/Catholic News Service Retired Pope Benedict XVI, who had an impressive record as a teacher and defender of the basics of Catholic faith, is likely to go down in history books as the …