Movie on priest gains international acclaim, available for showing By Dan McWilliams The people behind the movie “Father Ryan: A Higher Call” took the film about the heroic Chattanooga priest and candidate for sainthood on the road with showings at Knoxville Catholic High School on May 6 and St. Mary …
NDHS track and field athletes among standouts at Spring Fling
Notre Dame High School in Chattanooga was well-represented at the TSSAA Spring Fling state championships, with track and field athletes bringing home a number of high finishes in Division II, Class A. Kenny Hammond Jr. placed second in the state in the boys triple jump with a leap of 42 …
New Knights state deputy from St. Thérèse of Lisieux
Knights of Columbus state convention was held April 28-29, officers are named By Andy Telli Tennessee Register For the last five years, the Knights of Columbus in Tennessee have been on a journey to help Catholic men strengthen their faith. Bill Markiewicz’s mission as the newly elected state deputy is …
Thinking about religious life?
Avow discernment program aids young women considering a vocation By Gabrielle Nolan A new discernment opportunity is available to young women of the diocese who are interested in learning more about a vocation to religious life. “It’s a women’s discernment program that is put out through Vianney Vocations to help …
Roseanne Patricia Wolf
A funeral Mass for Roseanne Patricia Wolf was held May 30 at Holy Ghost Church. Mrs. Wolf passed away May 20 surrounded by her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. She was 86. Mrs. Wolf was born on Oct. 31, 1936, in Philadelphia. Not only was Mrs. Wolf a dedicated wife to …
KCHS spring teams win multiple state titles
The Fighting Irish capture their first baseball crown, dominate in tennis, and collect five track victories By Dan McWilliams Knoxville Catholic High School in May made the most of the annual TSSAA Spring Fling spring-sports championships. Fighting Irish athletes came home with a number of Division II, Class AA state …
Joseph Anthony Thie
Joseph (Joe) Anthony Thie, Ph.D., peacefully passed away May 23 at Parkwest Medical Center in Knoxville. Dr. Thie, age 95, lived a successful life in his career as an internationally known nuclear physicist and in his positive example of character, humility, faith, and humanity. Preceding Dr. Thie in death were …
So it begins: searching for a new used car
Driving disasters aside, a couple must learn to compromise and see other viewpoints By George Valadie WANTED – Retired husband in search of pretty cool used car. Seeking relatively low miles, a radio that can pick up the Braves at night, one of those adaptor things so I can listen …
Women challenged to ‘Be the One’ at KDCCW Convention
St. Thomas the Apostle in Lenoir City hosts the annual three-day event attended by more than 130 By Emily Booker Women of the Diocese of Knoxville were challenged to confidently embrace their God-given purpose and actively live it out at the Knoxville Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Convention held at …
Our memories can be a happy privilege
Especially when we recall to mind that God is present in every moment of our lives By Deacon Bob Hunt There are moments that inspire reflection on those matters of life that matter most. Sometimes these moments are of the unhappy variety, but there are happy moments, too. I had …
Notre Dame High School holds graduation
Students who were freshmen when COVID hit ready for next step in their journeys By Dan McWilliams Notre Dame High School’s 147th commencement took place May 13 before a full house at the football stadium. Head of school Deacon Hicks Armor presided as 99 seniors in the class of 2023 …
Knoxville Catholic High School holds graduation
By Bill Brewer Knoxville Catholic High School marked its 91st graduation ceremony on May 12 as 164 seniors walked across the stage to receive their diplomas. Commencement was held in the school’s football stadium, which was filled almost to capacity with family and friends of the graduates. It was a …
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