Cardinal Justin Rigali is one of 117 College of Cardinals electors assembling for Vatican conclave to choose next pontiff The resignation of Pope Benedict XVI on Feb. 11 shocked Catholics around the world, including those in the Diocese of Knoxville, which is home to papal elector Cardinal Justin Rigali. Pope …
He dwells among us: A miracle repeated
For 2,000 years, the Church has been blessed and guided by a successor of St. Peter The Church is now without a Pope—the See of Peter is vacant. Although he who was called Benedict XVI still is with us, we nonetheless mourn the passing of his pontificate, lifting him up …
Solemn Vespers highlights World Day for Consecrated Life
Bishop Stika leads service to give thanks, celebrate those who practice evangelical counsels The program for a Vespers at Sacred Heart Cathedral on Feb. 10 in commemoration of the World Day for Consecrated Life listed 10 orders of women religious and eight religious institutes and societies of men represented in …
Bishops share legislative concerns with Gov. Haslam
Catholic Day on the Hill addresses issues affecting faithful Bishop Richard F. Stika led a group of East Tennessee Catholics taking part in the 16th annual Catholic Day on the Hill on Feb. 20. The state’s three bishops, including Bishop David R. Choby of Nashville and Bishop J. Terry Steib, …
Chatti Gras establishes mark as key fundraiser for Chattanooga schools
The Chattanooga Deanery’s three schools—Notre Dame, St. Jude and Our Lady of Perpetual Help—joined forces for the second consecutive year to throw a Mardi Gras celebration and fundraiser for tuition assistance programs. Chatti Gras attracted more than 800 guests, who spent an evening at the Chattanooga Convention and Trade Center …
Notre Dame High School alum, director answers God’s call
Tour with schools superintendent inspires Jenny Rittgers to join Religious Sisters of Mercy Jenny Rittgers finally said yes. And the decision has changed her life. After a long discernment, the Notre Dame High School graduate and admissions director answered the call to consecrated religious life and in January joined the …
Diocesan calendar
Bishop Richard F. Stika will preside at one more Mass to celebrate the sacrament of marriage in the diocese. The third of three Masses will take place at St. Patrick Church in Morristown on Saturday, March 9. Mass will begin at 11 a.m. and will be followed by a reception. …
Chattanooga Deanery calendar
Father Patrick Brownell will lead a men’s retreat from 8:30-10 a.m. Saturday, March 2, in the Notre Dame High School chapel/café. The retreat will focus on Father Robert Barron’s Word on Fire commentaries and a discussion of the Catholic perspective on current events. Coffee and doughnuts will be served at …
Parish notes: Chattanooga Deanery
St. Jude, Chattanooga St. Jude Church hosted a holy hour on Feb. 24 to pray for a culture favorable to life, marriage, and religious liberty. Scott Russell, a seminarian for the Knoxville, will be doing a pastoral internship at the parish from March through May. Mr. Russell is a second-year …
Vanderwalkers mark 50th wedding anniversary
Duane and Sue Vanderwalker of St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Fairfield Glade celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Jan. 12 with a marriage blessing by Father John Dowling at the vigil Mass. They enjoyed a party with close friends and a stay at the Biltmore Inn. Father Joseph Egan officiated …
Jansens celebrate golden wedding anniversary
Bob and Joanne Jansen of St. Francis of Assisi Church in Fairfield Glade celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Feb. 2. They were married at St. Gregory the Great Church in South Euclid, Ohio, with Father Joseph Yarnovic officiating. Their sons are Robert Jansen III of Rochester Hills, Mich., and Michael …
Cumberland Mountain Deanery calendar
The Knoxville Diocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting is having its annual Bishop’s Gathering fundraiser at All Saints Church from 11 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Saturday, March 16. The event will include a dessert cook-off and award ceremony for youth involved in Scouting or American Heritage Girls and adult leaders. A …