Sacred Heart Cathedral School in coming weeks is hosting its second annual Heart and Sole 5K/1-mile Fun Run and its first Camp Eagle summer camps. The Heart and Sole 5K/Fun Run is set for 3 p.m. Sunday, May 19. The start/finish line is at the school, but participants will run …
Living the readings: Are we almost there yet?
Bible never disappoints as it deals with a multitude of endings Most every piece of literature ever written begins with an implied promise. By its very nature, it assures you it will come to an ending. There are some notable exceptions, but those are spoken of with disappointment or downright …
Marriage enrichment: Building peace begins in our families
Important message of Pope Francis should enter our hearts at home, then spread throughout the world On Easter Sunday, during Pope Francis’ Urbi et Orbi Easter blessing in St. Peter’s Square, he asked that his message of peace enter into people’s hearts and “go out to every house and every …
Understanding the sacraments: ‘A great mystery’
A mystagogical catechesis of the sacrament of marriage and the sacrament’s effect on our lives Marriage is intimately woven into the plan of salvation as revealed in the Old and New Testaments. “Sacred Scripture begins with the creation of man and woman in the image and likeness of God and …
Once upon a time: Giving thanks for the month of Mary
The number of parishes dedicated to our Blessed Mother illustrates Diocese of Knoxville’s devotion Another month of May for which to give thanks to God. May, the month of Mary, is in our Northern Hemisphere a spring-time month during which Mother Nature seems to join with her beautiful flora to …
Sacred Heart School accepting resumés for vacant positions
Sacred Heart Cathedral School, a rapidly growing, AdvancEd accredited, preschool-through-eighth-grade, faith-based Catholic educational community of 700 students, is accepting resumés for the 2013-14 academic year for an assistant principal, middle school literature/English teacher, and instructional assistant. Applicants for assistant principal will report directly to, and support the principal and will …
Singer says Christ’s teachings vital to peace
VATICAN CITY—Visiting the Vatican to participate in the recent TEDx conference on religious freedom, Cuban singer Gloria Estefan said that the teachings of Jesus Christ are central to ensuring peace in the world. In an interview with CNA, Estefan said she believes it is important that “the basic teachings of …
Archbishop Kurtz among U.S. religious leaders signing MLK jail letter response
WASHINGTON—Fifty years ago, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. took a group of white Alabama clergymen to task for suggesting he find ways, other than demonstrations and protests, to seek racial equality. The civil rights leader did not mince words telling the group that included Protestant pastors, a rabbi and …