Parishioners of Notre Dame in Greeneville volunteered their time in assisting with Move-In Day at Tusculum University on Aug. 18. Freshmen and transfer students at Tennessee’s most historic university moved into their respective residence halls as part of Tusculum’s Weekend of Welcome, also known as Pioneer WOW. Many activities were …
Notre Dame Parish Knights hold fundraiser for Ukraine refugees
The Knights of Columbus of Notre Dame Parish in Greeneville held a pulled-pork fundraiser Aug. 12 for the refugees of Ukraine. The event began Friday morning when several of the Knights came together and got their slow cookers going. Several pork roasts were prepared along with a special homemade barbecue …
St. Thomas CCW makes ‘Bags of Love’ for children
Council helps Child Advocacy Center with kids who have been removed from their homes or abused By Donna Curry The Kids First Child Advocacy Center (CAC) of Loudon County has just celebrated its 20th anniversary of giving hope—serving children who have been removed from their homes as a result of …
Notre Dame in Greeneville conducts Vatican Express Kidz Camp
Vatican Express Catholic Kidz Camp was the vacation Bible school for 2022 at Notre Dame Parish in Greeneville. VBS was held on Wednesday nights from June 22 through July 13 from 6 to 8:15 p.m. Nineteen adult staff members assisted, along with 10 youth leaders and about 30 students from …
All Saints health and wellness expo set for Aug. 19-20
All Saints health and wellness expo set for Aug. 19-20 By Jim Wogan In 10 years as a Catholic priest, Father Doug Owens has become proficient at ministering to those in need. The pastor of All Saints Parish in Knoxville has anointed the sick, comforted those in distress, and, of …
Bishop installs Father Velez as pastor of St. Patrick
The priest’s mother and sister from Colombia attend the Mass, which comes ‘as a surprise for them’ By Dan McWilliams Bishop Richard F. Stika installed Father Miguel Velez as pastor of St. Patrick Parish in Morristown on June 26, and there were two special guests on hand to witness it. …
Father Abuh celebrates 30 years in the priesthood
Parishioners of St. Joseph the Worker and his former parishes turn out in full for the occasion By Bill Brewer Father Julius Abuh could feel the love July 16 as Bishop Richard F. Stika joined priests and parishioners present and past in celebrating a Mass marking the 30th anniversary …
St. Dominic parishioners meet with new sister parish
Blackfeet Reservation in Montana is site of a mutually inspirational, faith-filled relationship By Emily Booker Whether in the green valleys of Appalachia or the windy buttes of Montana, you can find Catholics full of faith and love of Christ. The universality of the Church makes it possible to find family …
Fairfield Glade council has state Knight and family of the year
The state of Tennessee Knights of Columbus recently held their annual convention for the 105 councils representing the 12,400 member Knights across the state. Among the activities of the convention was the presentation of awards to councils, assemblies, and some individuals based on activities during the fraternal year. Two notable …
Fairfield Glade parishioner’s quilts sold to benefit mission in Haiti
Christina Seaman of St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Fairfield Glade took up quilting in 2000 and became an avid quilt maker. She works with colorful fabric and all kinds of quilting methods from piecing to appliqué, many also with beautifully finished backings. Over the years she has given quilts …
St. John Neumann Knights donate $7,777 to Special Olympics team
Special Olympics Tennessee recently received checks totaling $7,777 that were from the St. John Neumann Parish Ted H. Denning Jr. Knights of Columbus Council 8781 fundraising efforts. The “Lucky 7s” contribution supported the Hawkins County Unified flag football team so that it could participate in the quadrennial Special Olympics USA …
Tiny St. James Church overflows with visiting students
St. James the Apostle Parish in Sneedville is easily the smallest in the Diocese of Knoxville. Normal Mass attendance is approximately eight to 10 on a given Sunday, but on April 24 at approximately 11:25 a.m. that changed. A huge charter bus from Franklin, Tenn., pulled up and unloaded the …