Rhoda and Bob Whitaker couldn’t have celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in a more fitting way—at Mass where Bishop Richard F. Stika celebrated the marriages of parishioners of all ages. Bishop Stika presided at the Mass Feb. 9 at St. Mary Church in Athens, where couples were recognized for their …
Diocese of Knoxville plays role in papal succession
Pope Benedict XVI’s announcement Monday that he will resign effective Feb. 28 took the world by surprise, prompting Diocese of Knoxville Bishop Richard F. Stika and Cardinal Justin Rigali, who is in residence in the diocese, to meet with East Tennessee media representatives and brief them on the pontiff’s decision. …
Blue Mass recognizes public safety workers
Knoxville police officers, firefighters and emergency medical technicians were on hand Feb. 8 as Bishop Richard F. Stika presided at a Blue Mass in recognition of the public safety community. A Knoxville Police Department honor guard, surrounded by Knights of Columbus, stood in place at Sacred Heart Cathedral as the …
Practicing what they preach: Priests apply New Evangelization through social media
Gospel, Catechism, church events, outreach available to parishioners via blogs, Facebook, Twitter, other sites The evangelical role of the clergy was simple in the days of small communities and a time when everyone would flock to the Church to hear the Gospel. Priests simply delivered a message that descended on …
He dwells among us: Joy and ashes
Ashes should be a distinctive sign, not only of our Catholic faith but also of our joy in Christ and his cross It always amazes me how quickly we seem to transition from the joyful celebration of the Christmas season to the penitential season of Lent. But their close proximity, …
Farewell to a Major League legend and faithful parishioner
Bishop Stika delivers homily at funeral Mass for friend and baseball hero Stan Musial A funeral Mass for baseball legend Stan Musial was held Jan. 26 in St. Louis, where the Hall of Fame player spent his career. Bishop Richard F. Stika, a longtime Musial family friend and priest, delivered …
Sacred Heart principal named to diocesan schools post
Sedonna Prater, who has served as principal of Sacred Heart Cathedral School in Knoxville since 2004, has been named director of curriculum and instruction for the Diocese of Knoxville’s 10 schools. The appointment was announced Jan. 7 by Bishop Richard F. Stika and diocesan schools Superintendent Sister Mary Marta Abbott, …
He dwells among us: Better than expected
Faith reminds us that Christ is truly present and hope ever builds our trust in him as disciples It seemed like a good idea at the time, but it didn’t quite turn out the way I expected.” I was but a young boy at the time when my elderly neighbor, …
He dwells among us: Cartoon lessons
Advent is a time to draw closer to Him; He is our true peace, but also a sign of contradiction Gone now are the Bob Hope Christmas specials as well as other Christmas shows, including my most memorable one in 1977 when David Bowie joined in a song with none …
Prepare for Christmas with a strong Advent
It is incumbent for Catholics to remember that Dec. 25 is a holy day, not a secular holiday Bishop Richard F. Stika is urging the faithful to use Advent to approach this Christmas season spiritually. Bishop Stika is encouraging parishioners across the diocese to keep Christ in Christmas at this …
Top speakers headline Eucharistic Congress that kicks off Jubilee year
The Diocese of Knoxville’s yearlong 25th anniversary jubilee will kick off Sept. 13-14 with a family weekend that includes a Eucharistic Congress for all the diocesan faithful featuring some of the most influential personalities in the U.S. Catholic Church—a lineup called “almost miraculous.” The two-day celebration will take place at …
Bishop rededicates Notre Dame High chapel
Bishop Richard F. Stika rededicated the newly renovated chapel at Notre Dame High School on Oct. 4. The renovation of the chapel was a project envisioned by Father Augustine Idra, AJ, spiritual director at Notre Dame High School from July 2009 to January 2012. Funding for the project was realized …