The Year of Faith has started in earnest in parishes across the diocese as the faithful seek a closer relationship with God.
Sacred Heart Cathedral launched its Year of Faith celebration Oct. 17 with the first in a series of discussions on the Second Vatican Council and its important documents that have influenced the Church.
Father Randy Stice, director of the diocese’s Office of Worship and Liturgy, began the Year of Faith celebration Oct. 17 with his presentation of Vatican II’s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy.
Then Cardinal Justin Rigali, who attended the Second Vatican Council as a young priest assistant, delivered a lecture Oct. 24 at the cathedral about Vatican II’s Constitution on the Church.
[leftInset]Sister Mary Timothea Elliott, RSM, director of the diocesan Office of Christian Formation, will speak at the cathedral Nov. 7 about the Constitution on Divine Revelation.And the Sacred Heart Cathedral series concludes Nov. 14 with Paul Simoneau, diocesan director of the Office of Justice and Peace, speaking about the Constitution on the Church in the Modern World.
St. John Neumann Church began its Introduction to the Year of Faith Oct. 13 with a faith formation course on faith and reason (science). The two-day course, which concluded Oct. 27, was led by Deacon Mike Gouge, a retired physicist and naval engineer.
Pope Benedict XVI declared a special “Year of Faith” in 2011 to help Catholics appreciate the gift of faith, deepen their relationship with God and strengthen their commitment to sharing faith with others. The observance began Oct. 11—the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council—and concludes Nov. 24, 2013—the feast of Christ the King.