The Sacred Heart Cathedral School community welcomed back cathedral rector Father David Boettner in a big way Nov. 20.
At an all-school Mass, Deacon Sean Smith led a packed cathedral in a round of applause for Father Boettner, who was on a Continuing Education experience overseas from July 18 until Nov. 19.
“It is truly awesome to be back home,” Father Boettner said.
After Mass, Father Boettner viewed a “graffiti wall” made in his honor in the school lobby. The large special wallboard was covered with well wishes from students and photos of the priest during his travels.
Father Boettner participated this summer in the Institute for Continuing Theological Education (ICTE) based at the Pontifical North American College in Rome.
Each spring and fall, the ICTE invites about 30 English-speaking priests from around the world to come to Rome. The program of study is designed for priests who have been in ministry and are interested in returning to theological studies so that they might bring back to their people the rich treasure of learning available from the Church.
Before arriving in Rome, Father Boettner visited Lourdes and undertook a pilgrimage on foot from St. Jean Pied DuPort, France, to the holy city of Santiago de Compostela in Spain, where the apostle James is buried. And during a 10-day break in the ICTE, Father Boettner participated in a study-pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
Father Boettner blogged about his experiences at