St. Jude, Chattanooga
The St. Jude Star Tree program raised $7,950 in gift cards for clients of the Ladies of Charity of Chattanooga during December. The director of the Ladies of Charity, Jan Clark, reported that all of the requests made for gifts by their clients were granted.
St. Jude Parish participated in the 23rd Annual Bake Sale supporting Catholic Charities in the Chattanooga area during the Advent season. The Catholic parishes in the Chattanooga Deanery raised more than $7,200 for the Home Place program, an independent living facility for people who are homeless and have an HIV-positive or AIDS diagnosis.
St. Mary, Athens
The women’s group had a holiday gathering Jan. 5. The group collected packages of diapers for newborns for clients of Full Circle Crisis Pregnancy Center.
St. Stephen, Chattanooga
The Primetimers sewing group has been meeting on Thursdays at the parish to make sleeping bags for the homeless and layette items for clients of the Ladies of Charity of Chattanooga. For more information about the group, contact Mary Hess at 423-855-0237.
St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Cleveland
Parishioners and community members from the Cleveland and Chattanooga areas celebrated their devotion to the Santo Niño, the Holy Child, on Jan. 19. A special Mass and celebration were held to commemorate this religious and historical event that is largely recognized in the Philippines.
The annual Rosary for the Unborn was held Jan. 20. White crosses representing unborn babies were placed on the grounds of St. Thérèse of Lisieux to help parishioners keep the unborn in their thoughts before and after the rosary.
The Spring Fashion Show, Boutique and Luncheon has been rescheduled for Saturday, April 20, in the Parish Center. For ticket information, call the church office in March at 423-476-8123. More details will follow.