Sarah Trent, an educator with more than 20 years of teaching and administrative experience, has been named principal of Sacred Heart Cathedral School.
The announcement was made March 19 by Father David Boettner, vicar general and rector of the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In making the announcement to Sacred Heart Cathedral School parents, faculty, staff and students, Father Boettner said Mrs. Trent was selected after an extensive nationwide search that resulted in “great response” to the search process from a wide variety of candidates.
Mrs. Trent will succeed current Sacred Heart Cathedral School principal Sedonna Prater, who has been named director of curriculum and instruction for the Diocese of Knoxville’s 10 schools. Mrs. Trent and Mrs. Prater start their new positions for the 2013-14 school year.
“Sometimes the perfect candidate is not in a place far away, but already right here in our parish. With great joy I want to introduce you to Sarah Trent, who has accepted my offer to become the principal of Sacred Heart Cathedral School beginning July 1, 2013,” Father Boettner said in a statement.
Mrs. Trent and her husband have two children at Sacred Heart Cathedral School and have been active parishioners in the school and cathedral since moving to Knoxville from Florida two years ago.
Most recently, she served as assistant principal at Holy Family Catholic School in Jacksonville, Fla. She also served as academic dean and director of the learning resource program at Bishop Kenny High School in Jacksonville and has classroom teaching experience. She has master’s degrees in educational leadership and learning disabilities in addition to a bachelor’s degree in education.
“She has a passion for Catholic education and a proven record of achieving excellence in education,” Father Boettner said.
Mrs. Trent will meet with the school’s faculty and staff on April 8 and then an event for parents, alumni, faculty and staff to meet her will be held April 11 at 7 p.m. in the school gym.
Father Boettner thanked Mrs. Prater for the leadership she has provided the school and he also thanked members of the principal search committee.
Search committee members included Father Randy Stice, Jennine Smith, Cory Bond, Josh Turbyville, Jennifer Brinkmann, Mary Beth Townsend, Liz Stucke, Bruce Flomberg, Mary Beth Anderson, Tina Marcheggiani, and Sister Mary Marta Abbott, RSM, superintendent of diocesan schools.