Holy Spirit, Soddy-Daisy
The St. Vincent de Paul Society at Holy Spirit Church collected small personal-care items, notepads, games, and other trinkets to fill Easter baskets for residents at The Home Place and Soddy-Daisy Health Care Center during March.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Chattanooga
OLPH is organizing a new St. Vincent de Paul chapter at the parish. Visit olphvdps.wordpress.com for more information.
St. Augustine, Signal Mountain
The annual White Hot for Haiti dinner and dance will take place from 7 to 11:30 p.m. Saturday, April 20, at the Signal Mountain Golf and Country Club. Activities for the evening include the dinner, an auction, and door-prize drawings. Tickets are $40 per person or $75 per couple. Tickets will be sold after the Sunday Masses in advance of the event. Contact Candy Clark for more information at 423-886-4514.
St. Stephen, Chattanooga
Anniversaries: Cecile and Ebon Grubb (60), Kenn and Mary Stroup (50)
Newcomers: Craig Brickl; Katie Fosmoen and Joshua Jolly
St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Cleveland
The “Step into Spring” fashion show, boutique, and luncheon is set for Saturday, April 20 in the parish center. Men’s, women’s, teens’, and toddler fashions by Belk of Cleveland will be showcased. Doors open at 11 a.m.; lunch is served at 11:30 a.m. Tickets are $8 per person or $60 for a table of eight; individual tickets are $10 after April 14 if space is still available. There will be opportunities to purchase a variety of items from local merchants and to bid on gift baskets. Call the parish office for more information at 423-476-8123.
Senior Graduate Sunday is scheduled for May 19, at the 9:30 a.m. Mass. Graduating seniors will be honored at Mass and during a reception with light refreshments following the service. Submit a graduating senior’s name and photograph, including photos of sacramental celebrations, to the parish office by Wednesday, May 1. A form available in the office also needs to be completed for a senior to be recognized.
Visit St. Therese of Lisieux’s website to subscribe to receive the weekly bulletin. You also can access weekly Scripture readings, past bulletins, and more. Sign up at www.StThereseCatholicChurch.org.
The 14th annual Knights of Columbus Charities Golf Tournament is being held Friday, May 3, at Chatata Valley Golf Club in Cleveland. The tournament begins with a 9 a.m. shotgun start, and proceeds will benefit the many charities supported by the local Knights council. Cost is $100 per player, and entry forms may be obtained from any Knight or from the K of C tray in the back of the church lobby. For more information, contact Barry B. Boettner at 423-476-6918 or bbb6235@aol.com.