All Saints, Knoxville
The parish collected funds to support Father John Appiah’s efforts to provide 20 TivaWater water filtration systems for schools and clinics in his native Nkonya, Ghana. For more information on TivaWater, visit
Forty-six young adults were confirmed by Bishop Richard F. Stika at the 6 p.m. Mass on Sunday, April 21, and more than 140 students received their first Holy Communion on Sunday, April 28.
Blessed Sacrament, Harriman
First communicants: Angelo Ferrante, Shelby Le Blanc, Avery Sinnott, and Destiny Woncki
St. Francis of Assisi, Fairfield Glade
In honor of Mother’s Day, a special blessing will be given to mothers at all Masses the weekend of May 4 and 5.
Anniversaries: Jack and Betty Campbell (64), John and Jean Sohnly (59), Richard and Caroline Cieszenski (58), Don and Shirley Savercool (57), Eugene and Marilyn Schmitt (57), Ed and Carolyn Mayo (56), John and Ellie Gratton (55), Irvin and Carol Stenger (55), John and Yvonne Marciniak (54), Medard and Laura Kaluszka (53), Norm and Judith Charest (53), John and Anna Moyer (53), John and Barbara Coye (52), Ramon and Barbara Clark (51), Joe and Marti Maxwell (51), Joseph and Nancy Grunduski (50)
St. Therese, Clinton
The parish will hold a Mass for 2013 high school graduates Sunday, May 5.
The May crowning ceremony will be held Sunday, May 12, after the 10:15 a.m. Mass.