Notre Dame, Greeneville
The Knights of Columbus are hosting a dinner featuring Cincinnati-style chili and an auction starting at 6:15 p.m. Saturday, April 13. Auction items include gift certificates to local establishments, homemade baked goods, and much more. Drawings will be held for door prizes throughout the evening, including one for $200. Tickets are $10 for adults ages 13 and up and $5 for children 6 to 12. Children 5 and under are admitted free. Donations are being accepted for the auction. Contact Tom Quint at 423-787-9230 or Bud Noe at 639-1074 for pickup of large items. Tickets may be purchased after all weekend Masses or at the door.
St. Dominic, Kingsport
Mary Silver, a former parishioner, will be completing her postulancy with the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist and will be entering the novitiate on Sunday, April 7 (Divine Mercy Sunday).
The middle school CCD students collected $692.75 at their recent bake sale. Proceeds from the bake sale went to help New Clothes for Kids and Hope House, two local social-service agencies.
The Knights of Columbus council honored the following Knights at their recent award banquet: Dave Gostomski, Knight of the Year; Chuck Murrell, Rookie of the Year; Heather and Don Grove, Family of the Year; Dave Huber and Chuck McCort, Distinguished Service; and Bob Roth, Extended Service.
St. Mary, Johnson City
“Our Spiritual Gifts” was the theme of the Council of Catholic Women Lenten retreat March 16. Cindy Solomon was the presenter.