Blessed John XXIII, Knoxville
Nine people were received into the Church at the Easter Vigil.
A parish appreciation dinner is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Friday, May 3, for volunteers who have served at the parish this past year. Contact the parish office to RSVP at 865-523-7931.
Holy Ghost, Knoxville
The parish hosted the Crosses for the Unborn during March. The project is sponsored by the Knoxville chapter of Tennessee Right to Life.
Nineteen people were welcomed into the Church at the parish Easter Vigil.
The recent 12th annual Sister Jolita Irish Supper and Sing-Along raised more than $11,000, the largest amount ever raised at this event. Proceeds will benefit the Sister Jolita Student Assistance Fund at St. Joseph School in Knoxville and St. Patrick’s Well in Clonmel, Ireland.
Immaculate Conception, Knoxville
Eight individuals were welcomed into the Church at the Easter Vigil at Immaculate Conception.
Fifteen children of the parish received the Eucharist for the first time April 21.
Our Lady of Fatima, Alcoa
A Bible study for young adults ages 18 to 30 is meeting Sundays at 4 p.m. at Our Lady of Fatima. All college students and single young adults are invited to attend. The group is using the book Four Witnesses: The Early Church in Her Own Words by Rod Bennett (Ignatius Press, 2002). Contact Deacon Dan Hosford for more information at
St. Albert the Great, Knoxville
Fifteen people were welcomed into the Catholic Church during the Easter Vigil at St. Albert the Great and 25 children received their first Holy Communion April 14.
St. Albert the Great vacation Bible school is June 10-14 at the church. Children ages 5 through 11 are encouraged to attend. Volunteers are still needed. Contact Angela Nelson at or 865-938-9941 for more information.
Baptisms: Noah Daley, son of Lauren and Dave Daley; Angelina Killian, daughter of Linda and Michael Killian; and Aria Rosemary Lukosi, daughter of Eric and Michelle Lukosi