Holy Trinity, Jefferson City
Father Patrick Brownell, pastor of St. Patrick Church in Morristown, will present a day of reflection beginning at 9 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 8, in the Holy Trinity parish life center. Snacks and lunch will be provided. Call the parish office for more information at 865-471-0347.
The parish is collecting donations to support its twin parish in Bainet, Haiti. As of Jan. 19, the parish had collected 79 percent or $1,980 toward its goal of $2,500.
Holy Trinity collected $2,070.15 to help relief efforts in the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan.
Anniversaries: Darryl and Judy Hall (52), Paul and Dianne Bartnik (30), Eric and Kirsten Perry (25), Ron and Andrea Henry (20)
St. Mary, Johnson City
Father Dustin Collins will preside at the bimonthly Masses in the Extraordinary Form (Latin Mass) in the Tri-Cities area at St. Mary Church at 3 p.m. on first and third Sundays preceded by a rosary at 2:30 p.m.
St. Mary Parish is offering the opportunity for rising ninth- through 12th-grade students to attend a summer youth conference at Steubenville University July 11-13. Space is limited, and the event sells out quickly. Contact Tricia Klug for more information at klug7@embarqmail.com or 423-929-1253.
St. Patrick, Morristown
The Christ Renews His Parish weekend for women is scheduled for March 8-9 at St. Patrick Church. The program is intended to strengthen the parish community and encourage the active practice of the Catholic faith. For more information, call Susan Shafer at 423-312-4161.