Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Chattanooga
Volunteers are needed to host clients of Family Promise, an organization that works with the homeless, the week of July 6-13. Greeters, helpers to lead activities, and meals are needed. To volunteer, call Lisa Kosky at 423-877-5982 or Ann Wells at 706-581-0410.
St. Jude, Chattanooga
The parish vacation Bible school, Totus Tuus, is scheduled the week of June 23-27 at the church. This “totally Catholic and totally fun” catechetical program is open to rising first-graders through high school students. Registration forms are available in the church vestibule as well as the parish office. For more information, call Kyra at 423-870-2386.
St. Jude Church will sponsor a “Saint Safari” vacation Bible school for rising preschoolers and kindergartners the week of June 23-27. The half-day program will feature activities including games, crafts, and stories about the saints. Registration forms are available in the church vestibule or the parish office. The registration deadline is Friday, June 13. For more information, call Sandy Pricer at 423-619-1163.
St. Stephen, Chattanooga
Twenty-one children received their first Holy Communion at the 11 a.m. Mass on May 4.
Anniversary: Ray and Rosemarie Bertani (55)
Newcomers: Stephen Reker, Richard Lesinski, Bryan and Mari Eaton