Holy Ghost, Knoxville
Holy Ghost Parish formed a new St. Vincent de Paul conference in October. The group has hosted several fundraising events, started a blessed shawls project, and maintains a basket for food donations. The group will work closely with the Ladies of Charity to serve the needy in the Holy Ghost neighborhood. Deacon Mike Gouge and Leigh Chagnon were responsible for starting the chapter at the church.
The Advent Mitten Tree to benefit young people in the Richard L. Bean Juvenile Detention Center over the holidays has been erected. Donations of warm clothing, fresh fruit, and sweets are being accepted. There is also a collection for stuffed animals that will be distributed by Judge Timothy E. Irwin, juvenile court judge. For more information, contact Carolyn Toal at toalcarolyn@gmail.com.
The parish is sponsoring the Crazy Quilt Toy Ministry again this year. Bring a new or gently used unwrapped toy to the John Paul II Room in the church basement after Masses through Dec. 5. For more information, contact Merilee Kerwin at 865-297-2558 or oliviakerwin@yahoo.com.
Carol Lougheed will facilitate a Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University class beginning at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 7. The class teaches budgeting techniques and encourages different methods of cutting family debt. For more information, contact Ms. Lougheed at carol.lougheed@gmail.com.
Immaculate Conception, Knoxville
The parish is sponsoring a Christmas Carol Festival at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 10. All are welcome to join in singing Christmas carols. Refreshments will be served in the parish hall. For more information, call the parish office at 865-522-1508.
The Immaculate Conception women’s group is hosting a Christmas party at The Foundry at 6 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 18. The cost is $15 per person. Bring a wrapped gift to exchange. For more information, contact Connie Healy at 865-579-1955 or c_perella_healy@hotmail.com. Reservations must be made by Monday, Dec. 15.
Marriage: Mary Frances Wedekind and Adam Malone
St. Albert the Great, Knoxville
All women of the parish are invited to the fourth annual women’s Advent tea after the 11 a.m. Mass on Sunday, Dec. 7. Dr. Ruth Queen Smith is the guest speaker. For more information, contact Loretta Walker at 865-951-2508.
Parishioner Marcy Meldahl became a Providence Associate in a ceremony at the Church of the Immaculate Conception in St. Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind., on Nov. 8, joining 21 other 2014 Providence Candidate-Associates with the Sisters of Providence in pledging “to honor Divine Providence and further God’s loving plans through works of love, mercy, and justice in service among God’s people.” Director of Providence Associates Sister Diane Mason said the commitment ceremony brought the total number of Providence Associates to more than 200 in the United States and Taiwan.