Bishop Richard F. Stika has announced the appointments of five deacons to parishes in the Diocese of Knoxville.
Deacons Gaspar DeGaetano, Gary Brinkworth, Dan Alexander, Bob Lange and Joel Livingston Jr. received assignments to different parishes over the summer.
Deacon Lange resumed serving at St. Dominic Parish in Kingsport on Sept. 1 after acting as pastoral administrator at parishes in Hawkins and Hancock counties.
“I extend my sincere appreciation to you for serving as pastoral administrator of St. Henry and St. James the Apostle parishes these past two years,” Bishop Stika said in a letter to Deacon Lange. “I am grateful for your leadership and diaconal commitment and service.”
Deacon DeGaetano, who had been serving at St. Jude Parish in Chattanooga, was reassigned to the Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul.
“I am pleased to assign you to provide diaconal support to Father David Carter and the Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul, effective Sept. 1,” Bishop Stika wrote to Deacon DeGaetano.”
Deacon Brinkworth, who had served at the Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul in downtown Chattanooga, was assigned to provide diaconal support to Father Manuel Pérez and the parish of St. Stephen in Chattanooga effective Aug. 15.
“Deacon Gary, your service at the basilica has been welcomed by the parish, and I know you will be missed. I am grateful for your willingness to now share your many gifts with the parishioners of St. Stephen once again. I am also very thankful for your commitment and support during these past two years,” Bishop Stika wrote.
Deacon Alexander has been assigned by Bishop Stika to the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Knoxville after serving in the diaconate at St. Stephen Church in Chattanooga.
Bishop Stika expressed appreciation for Deacon Alexander’s service at St. Stephen and his willingness to now serve at the cathedral, an assignment that was effective Aug. 29.
Bishop Stika also welcomed Deacon Livingston into the diocese and granted him faculties to serve in the Diocese of Knoxville diaconate.
“Welcome to the Diocese of Knoxville! I understand that you have completed all the requirements for active ministry in this diocese, and therefore I am pleased to assign you to provide diaconal support to Father David Boettner and to the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus effective Aug. 29,” Bishop Stika wrote.
“Deacon Joel, I know your service to the people of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in the Diocese of Metuchen (New Jersey) will be missed. I am grateful to you for your willingness to now share your many gifts with the parishioners of the cathedral in the Diocese of Knoxville.”