The 2023 Bishop’s Award of Excellence for graduating eighth-graders at St. John Neumann School in Farragut was given by Knights of Columbus Council 8781 to Estella Goad and Dresden LaFasto on May 15.
St. John Neumann teachers observe the students throughout their time at the school for behaviors that are exemplary of good Christians. They see these behaviors in many students over the years.
However, at the end of the eighth grade the faculty chooses students who demonstrate the most commitment to living their faith. These students have maintained high standards both academically and personally throughout their time at St. John Neumann.
Estella served her peers and neighbors in multiple ways. She volunteered at vacation Bible school as a group leader and in this capacity gave witness to others about God and her faith. She helped clean elderly neighbors’ yards and helped write letters and Christmas cards for them when needed. She also did babysitting as a way of helping others.
Dresden volunteered as an altar server and read at Masses. He participated in a number of faith activities and is known to be kind and courteous. He has been part of the SJN campus clean-up. He understood that in serving others, he served Christ.