Jared Kimutis to teach, oversee student body, assist with faculty in new role
By Gabrielle Nolan
Knoxville’s Chesterton Academy of St. Margaret Clitherow, an independent Catholic high school in the classical tradition, has hired Jared Kimutis as deputy headmaster for the school.
In his role as deputy headmaster, which is classical terminology for assistant principal, Mr. Kimutis teaches, assists, and oversees the student body, helps with the formation of faculty, and oversees public relations, admissions, and donor relations.
“I’m teaching three different courses at the school,” said Mr. Kimutis, who accepted the appointment in January. “I’m teaching theology to the whole student body, and I love that. My training is in theology. I had started my college studies in engineering, and so I have a geometry course and a science-introduction to physics course that I’m teaching at the school right now. The long-term plan will be for me to focus on the theology in terms of teaching.”
Mr. Kimutis earned his undergraduate degree at Franciscan University of Steubenville, receiving a bachelor’s degree with a double major in theology and catechetics and a minor in Spanish. He later received a master’s degree in dogmatic theology from Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Cromwell, Conn., as well as a master’s degree in educational leadership from Creighton University in Omaha, Neb.
“I’m really grateful for the opportunity (at Chesterton),” Mr. Kimutis said. “I’ve heard it said your whole life is preparation for the next step, and this certainly feels like that in a really profound way, that the Lord’s been preparing me for this opportunity through my own upbringing, my attendance at Catholic schools growing up, and then also especially my time at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio, where I studied theology and catechetics.”
Previously, Mr. Kimutis taught religion for 12 years at Knoxville Catholic High School from 2011-23.
“I have immense gratitude for my time there and for the students that I was privileged to teach and the faculty members that I was privileged to be friends with,” he shared. “And I also served as religion department chair for a few years at Knoxville Catholic High School and also assistant academic dean. I was a freshman class disciplinarian and student council moderator. So, all of those experiences really prepared me well for my current role.”
Mr. Kimutis felt called to teach high school-aged children because his own faith was ignited in high school after receiving the sacrament of confirmation. While he saw many of his friends participate in the “party culture” common in public schools, he sought to grow closer to Jesus.
“So, I thought, wow, if I could reach high school-age students when they’re at this point, this pivotal point of making the choice for themselves about really following Jesus and being a lifelong disciple of Christ, I thought if I could influence even one student to follow Christ more closely for the rest of their life during their high school age, that it would all be worth it,” Mr. Kimutis said. “If one student makes it to heaven because of some kind of role that I’ve played, some kind of witness I’ve provided, I feel like that’s totally worth it.”
“I really do feel called to this age, and that’s why I’m so, so grateful to have had the privilege at Knoxville Catholic and now at Chesterton to be teaching high school students, such an exciting time of life where they’re really finding themselves and hopefully asking God who they’re created to be,” he continued. “They each have unique gifts and talents, and no two saints are exactly alike, and it’s really beautiful to watch the journey, especially watching from freshman year to senior year. Students change so much, and the hope is that they’re changing in good ways and for the better, that they’re growing.”
Mr. Kimutis is passionate about the combination of education and Catholicism.
“Education is meant to help someone have a more full experience of life, and one of my favorite quotes from Scripture is Jesus, it’s John, chapter 10, verse 10. He says, ‘I came so that they may have life and have it in abundance.’ So, real education is preparation for life. Even more, it’s preparation for eternal life, and eternal life begins here on earth, and then on into eternity with Jesus forever in heaven. And so, I believe that blend of Catholicism and education, the two have to go together. I believe genuine education is formation in becoming a saint. I heard that Pope John Paul II said that education is the single greatest ministry in the Church. That’s a strong quote from a strong saint,” Mr. Kimutis shared. “And so, what we’re doing in Catholic education is helping that fire of God’s love of the Holy Spirit in the souls of our students to be lit and to be guarded and to be increased.”
Mr. Kimutis is a parishioner at All Saints in Knoxville and is inspired by liturgical living, daily prayer, frequenting the sacraments, and his devotion to St. John Bosco, a patron of schoolchildren and youth.
“St. John Bosco is one of my favorite saints, and I would encourage anyone to learn more about him. His life is just miraculous; there are so many miracles that happened throughout his life and his ministry,” he said. “It’s such a blessing, our school is blessed to have a relic of St. John Bosco. … They say that instead of you finding saints, they say that saints find you, and certainly St. John Bosco has found me.”
Beginning this fall, Chesterton Academy of St. Margaret Clitherow will operate from its new location at 217 Fox Road in West Knoxville. The school currently holds classes at 5919 Rutledge Pike.
“I would ask for people to come and see,” Mr. Kimutis shared. “We’re blessed at Chesterton to have amazing faculty members who are witnesses of following Christ, of being disciples of Christ, and the joy of following Christ. And the faith really is, it’s caught not taught. I think if you come and see, you’ll sense the joy that is in our school in the presence of Christ.”
Mr. Kimutis noted that the three hallmarks of a Chesterton Academy school are joyful, Catholic, and classical.
“I have experienced that sense of joy from my first visit to the Knoxville campus,” he said. “While I was interviewing, I was able to attend some of the classes and be at the school, and just the sense of true joy pervades the school in such a beautiful way in the students, in the faculty, in the parents, and the board members. It’s really a beautiful community to be a part of.”
“Our students and faculty really enjoy coming to school each day. That spirit of joy fills the school,” Mr. Kimutis continued. “The school is classical, but it’s not stuffy. I think there’s a lot of misperceptions about classical. Really, it’s teaching you how to think, it’s giving you tools like a toolbox so you can be successful in all kinds of different areas of life. And it’s wisdom that has been there through the ages that sometimes has been kind of lost in some modern educational facilities and things. But our students are receiving a fantastic education and having a lot of fun.”
In addition to monetary donations, Mr. Kimutis said the school is “open to any kind of support.”
“If there are people that have expertise in different backgrounds, education—we’ve had some folks offer to come in to guest lecture,” he said. “If there’s opportunities for field trips or excursions in the area; if there’s people working in different industries if they feel like our school, our students would benefit from coming to see their workplace or things like that, we’re definitely open to making those connections.”
For more information on Chesterton Academy of St. Margaret Clitherow, visit knoxchesterton.com.