Knoxville Catholic junior earns his Eagle Scout award in December

Knoxville Catholic High School junior Jack Patterson earned his Eagle Scout award in December.

Jack, who is the son of Phillip and Kelly Patterson, started in Cub Scouts in the third grade as a Bear Scout. He completed Cub Scouts, earning the Arrow of Light in fifth grade at age 11. Jack is a member of Troop 20. He has completed 30 merit badges, with welding and metalworking being two of his favorites. Jack has been inducted into Order of the Arrow and earned the National Outdoor Award for Camping.

After graduation, he plans to attend the Tennessee College of Applied Technology with a concentration on welding and then earn a business degree.

Jack participates in the KCHS choir and plays lacrosse for the Fighting Irish as a goalie. He loves fly fishing, hiking, and mechanics. He backpacked 65 miles at Philmont Scout ranch last summer with fellow KCHS student Alvaro Pint and Troop 146.

He completed an Eagle project for Horse Haven, a horse rescue charity in Seymour. Jack, with the help of Troop 20, installed more than 2,500 square feet of ceiling tiles, cleaned carpets and bathrooms to make them usable, and moved out old furniture and debris.

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