Studying the ‘book of the Church’

Diocesan deacon wants Catholics to be familiar with Scripture By Gabrielle Nolan For more than four decades, Deacon Bob Hunt has been teaching the Catholic faith “to everybody from preschoolers to retirees.” “That’s what I love to do,” he said. “The two things I’m willing to say I do well …

‘Being a vessel for God’

New Bible study written by diocesan communicator highlights women prophets By Gabrielle Nolan Most Christians are familiar with the male prophets of the Bible, such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Joel, or Malachi. But how many know about their female counterparts? Daughter, Hear My Call: A Study of Women Prophets in the …

Chesterton Academy hires deputy headmaster

Jared Kimutis to teach, oversee student body, assist with faculty in new role By Gabrielle Nolan Knoxville’s Chesterton Academy of St. Margaret Clitherow, an independent Catholic high school in the classical tradition, has hired Jared Kimutis as deputy headmaster for the school. In his role as deputy headmaster, which is …

‘Bring healing at every level’

Annual retreat caters to Catholic health-care professionals across diocese By Gabrielle Nolan Catholic health-care professionals attended a Lenten retreat on Feb. 17 hosted at the Chancery in Knoxville by the local Catholic Medical Association St. Gianna Guild. The retreat, titled “Walking Lent with the Divine Physician,” included talks, Mass, confession, …

Paulists celebrate 50 years in Knoxville

Religious order remains committed to ministry in East Tennessee By Gabrielle Nolan On March 9, the members of Immaculate Conception and St. John XXIII parishes had two reasons to celebrate. Not only were the Paulist Fathers marking 50 years of service in the Diocese of Knoxville, but the order also …

‘Being open to God’s will’

Young women attend Vocations Day at All Saints Church By Gabrielle Nolan Young women under the age of 30 were invited to meet representatives from religious communities and learn more about religious life in an event at All Saints Church in Knoxville on Feb. 3. Beginning with daily Mass, the …

‘Teaching Jesus to our students’

It’s not just a job; it’s a ministry; educators encouraged to keep up the good work By Gabrielle Nolan Nearly 370 Catholic school educators and administrators representing all 10 Diocese of Knoxville schools gathered on Feb. 20 at Sacred Heart Cathedral School for their annual professional-development day. The event included …

Lindy Wynne leads Lenten retreat at All Saints

Mamas in Spirit’ podcaster delivers talk on ‘Women at the Well’ By Gabrielle Nolan Nearly 100 women from around the Diocese of Knoxville attended the annual Lenten evening of reflection hosted by Regnum Christi of Knoxville. The event took place on Feb. 29 at All Saints Church in Knoxville and …

A celebration of faith and education

Diocese of Knoxville campuses participate in Catholic Schools Week By Gabrielle Nolan Spelling bees, talent shows, and pep rallies. Tournaments, dress-up days, and special Masses. Fun events and programs such as these marked the 50th anniversary of Catholic Schools Week, which was celebrated Jan. 28–Feb. 3 across the country. The …

Knoxville Catholic dedicates STEM Innovation Lab

The Witsoe family and other donors receive thanks for making the ‘really exciting’ facility possible By Gabrielle Nolan A grand opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new, state-of-the-art STEM Innovation Lab took place at Knoxville Catholic High School on Jan. 9. Students, teachers, faculty, families, and local media crews toured …

Rorate Mass for religious communities is celebrated

By Gabrielle Nolan On the darkest night of the year, the winter solstice, the Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus was aglow with candlelight. A Rorate Mass in honor of Our Lady for the religious communities of the Diocese of Knoxville was held on Dec. 21, with the …

‘A movie and a ministry’

Catholic filmmakers in East Tennessee begin funding for pro-life film By Gabrielle Nolan Marc Aramian and Veronica DiPippo of Crunch Entertainment have spent a lifetime cultivating their artistic talents in the realms of theater, composing, and filmmaking. The husband-and-wife duo are known in the Diocese of Knoxville for their recent …