Retirement in the Valadie household

Quibbles about ballgames and TV shows aside, there is thankfulness for good health By George Valadie Hey, will you turn the game up?” “2 o’clock, I think.” “What?” “2 p.m. Can’t you hear?” “What?” “What?” “What are you talking about?” “Katy said his game is at 2. Isn’t that what …

Old friends can be new ones again in 2024

This new year, he plans to ‘reach out and touch’ at least one acquaintance from days gone by By George Valadie Happy New Year! Though it’s barely two weeks old, I hope 2024 has already started you well down whatever path you envisioned might lay ahead. There’s certainly no shortage …


New grandbaby is off to a pretty good start

She hasn’t been born yet but already has family love, saintly love, and God’s love By George Valadie Like many young marrieds in this country, our youngest, Sarah, and her husband, Keith, were living in an apartment but longing for a house. I don’t think I’m revealing any deep financial …

God is like Google Maps, only better

Both use different voices to convey helpful suggestions, such as ‘make a U-turn right now’ By George Valadie It’s been a crazy few weeks on the road to be sure. After months of anticipation, our oldest daughter and I got to travel to and through southwest Ireland and along its …

Adventures in flying to and driving in Ireland

Over a 9,000-mile round trip, he doesn’t worry about who is in charge of the travelers’ safety By George Valadie The last time I wrote in this space, I was commenting on the challenges and resulting stress for those who need to travel by air these days. Though it’s probably …

Sitting around: at the movies or an airport

Spending time with grandkids or waiting on a flight—we should enjoy the journey that is life By George Valadie One of the real pleasures in my life is going to the movies. Good or bad, long or short, buttered or plain, I’ll go see just about anything. At least I …


He may be no saint but thinks like one

A recent acquaintance commits to a two-year sponsorship of a Ukrainian family By George Valadie Joe’s no saint, said so himself. Though I myself have never met one to compare. But I’m thinking he thinks like one might think. To be honest, I don’t really know Joe all that well, …


Remembering Monsignor Pat Connor

A former student recalls his high school principal as being ‘one of the good guys’ By George Valadie We first met many years ago. “Hello, Father, it’s nice to meet you.” “Well, thank you, it’s nice to meet y’all, too. I really appreciate you inviting me. This is nice.” “Let …

So it begins: searching for a new used car

Driving disasters aside, a couple must learn to compromise and see other viewpoints By George Valadie WANTED – Retired husband in search of pretty cool used car. Seeking relatively low miles, a radio that can pick up the Braves at night, one of those adaptor things so I can listen …


A mother who raised problem-solving kids

Sometimes the children would take turns in being the ‘least happy child’ in the family By George Valadie I’ve never met the woman, though I’d like to. Her name is Sarah Joyce Stuart. And according to Google, my go-to source for most stuff I don’t know, she’s the one writer …


She’s incapacitated; he’s doing the cooking

His IOU to her is seemingly never-ending—until she makes a comment about the bedsheets By George Valadie I’ll tell you the truth: being a housewife is hell. At this very moment, instead of writing this column, I really ought to be in the kitchen. There are dirty dishes in the …


Coaches shouldn’t forget who they’re helping

No game ever invented is as important as the kids we are teaching how to play By George Valadie The first time I was asked to coach young kids, I was a young kid myself. I was 9 years old, and half the neighborhood, including the four of us, routinely …