St. Alphonsus, Crossville The Hats and Scarves group knitted or crocheted items for more than 700 people in the Crossville area during 2012. Donations of yarn and cash to buy more supplies are welcome. Cash donations can be placed in an envelope and put in the weekly parish collection basket. …
Cumberland Mountain Deanery calendar
Join the families and friends of the seminarians of the diocese in prayer at a holy hour for priestly vocations at St. John Neumann Church in Farragut at 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 1. Father Doug Owens will lead the Vespers service, eucharistic adoration, and benediction. Light refreshments will be served …
Lenten penance services
Here is a list of Lenten penance services around the Diocese of Knoxville: Cumberland Mountain Deanery 7 p.m. EST, except as noted. Feb. 16—St. Christopher, Jamestown, 7:30 p.m. CST; Feb. 18—St. Ann, Lancing; Feb. 20—Blessed Sacrament, Harriman; Christ the King, Tazewell; Feb. 21—Our Lady of Perpetual Help, LaFollette; Feb. 26—St. …
Parish notes: Five Rivers Deanery
Good Shepherd, Newport Good Shepherd Church will hold a parish retreat Saturday, Feb. 23. David Russell, a magician and author of Magi Theology and Bigger and Better and the producer of a series of CD’s, will conduct the day. He plans to show that just as the illusions of magic …
Five Rivers Deanery calendar
There will be two Search for Christian Maturity retreats in the Five Rivers Deanery in February and March 2013. Search 43 will be held at St. Patrick Church in Morristown Feb. 15-17, and Search 44 will be at Notre Dame Church in Greeneville March 15-17. Availability is on a first-come, …
Parish hosts stopover for Sandy volunteers
St. Mary Parish in Johnson City made arrangements to provide overnight accommodations, coming and going, for a group of a dozen or more volunteers from Resurrection Catholic High School in Pascagoula, Miss., who spent Thanksgiving week in New Jersey helping those devastated by Superstorm Sandy. They arrived Sunday evening, Nov. …
Smoky Mountain Deanery calendar
The Pope Benedict XVI Schola will present “A Candlemas Concert” to benefit the Ladies of Charity of Knoxville at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 2, at Holy Ghost Church in Knoxville. The concert will include Gregorian chant and choral works in Latiln and English by Palestrina, Purcell, Victoria, Byrd, Sheppard, Tye, …
Balls celebrate 50th wedding anniversary
Ernie and Marilyn Ball, founding parishioners of St. Mary in Athens, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Dec. 1. The Balls were married in 1962 at Corpus Christi Church in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The officiating priest was Father James Carney. They have two children, Chris Ball of Daphne, Ala., and …
St. Jude students perform special projects to benefit Haiti parishes
As part of the St. Jude Parish Christmas service project and in conjunction with the Parish Twinning Program of America, students at St. Jude School in Chattanooga raised money for sister parishes in Gros-Morne, Haiti. Kindergarten parents sponsored their children in a special homework project to do extra chores at …
Cardinal says 40 years of legalized abortion has demoralized U.S. society
VATICAN CITY (CNS)—Forty years of legalized abortion have profoundly demoralized American society, not only weakening respect for human life but undermining marriage, parenthood and individuals’ sense of duty to others, said U.S. Cardinal J. Francis Stafford. The cardinal, a former archbishop of Denver and former head of two Vatican offices, …
Funeral Mass held for Brother James Darby, member of the Alexian Brothers
Brother James Carroll Darby, 91, a life-professed member of the Congregation of Alexian Brothers for 59 years, died Tuesday, Jan. 8, in the Alexian Brothers Health & Rehabilitation Center, Signal Mountain. Brother James had lived in the Alexian Brothers communities in Wisconsin, Illinois, and Tennessee. He was born June 13, …
Father Gahagan takes medical leave of absence
Bishop Richard F. Stika has announced that Father Bill Gahagan, pastor of St. Joseph Church in Norris, is taking a medical leave of absence. “Effective Jan. 1, 2013, Father Bill Gahagan has, at his request, begun a six-month medical leave of absence. Father Gahagan will continue to celebrate daily and …