We are all called to be mothers of Christ and to be bearers of Christ to others By Bishop Richard F. Stika “In you, all find their home.” It is hard to call any one psalm my favorite, as I have so many, but I always like to pause over …
A Growing Footprint
CHI Memorial Hospital fulfills mission during seven-year building and renovation project By Paul Schulz Photography by Michael Peck There’s a new emerald gem on Chattanooga’s skyline, and it’s topped with a pair of gleaming white crosses that proclaim CHI Memorial Hospital’s faith-based mission. The crosses adorn a new state-of-the-art seven-story …
Praying for perspective: Remembering the reason for the season
Making sure our Lenten sacrifices glorify God, not us, no matter how young or old we are By George Valadie The arrival of Ash Wednesday on March 1 means Lent is upon us and Easter soon will be here. I don’t know if it’s my imagination, but I think Lent …
Cathedral committee plans for dedication Mass, cornerstone placement
The planning committee for the Mass of dedication for the new Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus has been formed and will be led by Bishop Richard F. Stika. Bishop Stika has set the dedication Mass for March 3, 2018. The committee, which met for the first time …
Dan Barile, former assistant editor of The East Tennessee Catholic dies
Dan Barile, former assistant editor of The East Tennessee Catholic, died suddenly Dec. 21. He was 64. Mr. Barile served as assistant editor of the Diocese of Knoxville newspaper from 1992 to 1995, serving under the paper’s first editor, Ed Miller. When he passed away, Mr. Barile had served as …
St. John Neumann Parish hosting presentation on Africa mission work
The St. Francis and Clare Fraternity for the Secular Franciscans is sponsoring a presentation on mission work in Africa called “To the Nations” on Sunday, March 19, 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., at St. John Neumann Church in Farragut in the Elizabeth Ann Seton Room. Missionary Stephen H. Smith, OFS, …
Giving and Receiving
Help is just around the corner as Schrivers reach out to family hit by Gatlinburg firestorm By Bill Brewer November wildfires that swept through Gatlinburg left a charred trail of destruction with a most unusual signature. Some houses and businesses in the path of flames were untouched while structures beside …
Footprints of faith
Vignettes of caring offer glimpses into Memorial’s mission By Karen Frank, one of five associate of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth at CHI Memorial Hospital CHI Memorial Hospital’s mission often goes beyond the medical care that is delivered every day by skilled and compassionate physicians, nurses, and technicians. There …
Colleges come calling
KCHS seniors join long list of athletes to sign scholarships By Dan McWilliams Knoxville Catholic High School has launched many collegiate and professional athletic careers, and National Signing Day on Feb. 1 served as the latest springboard for eight student-athletes committing to colleges and universities. Highly sought-after Fighting Irish wide …