The Year of Faith has started in earnest in parishes across the diocese as the faithful seek a closer relationship with God. Sacred Heart Cathedral launched its Year of Faith celebration Oct. 17 with the first in a series of discussions on the Second Vatican Council and its important documents …
Parish notes: Chattanooga Deanery
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Chattanooga The parish will mark the 75th anniversary of its founding with a Mass celebrated by Bishop Richard F. Stika on Oct. 6. The parish plans a yearlong celebration of the milestone, which will include parish renovation projects as well as other events. St. Catherine …
Parish notes: Cumberland Mountain Deanery
Blessed Sacrament, Harriman The parish congratulated Katie Schuman on her selection for a 2012 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. Ms. Schuman is a third-year Ph.D. student in computer science at the University of Tennessee. Ann Swicegood, the parish RCIA director, was recently thanked for her many years of service. …
Parish notes: Five Rivers Deanery
Blessed John Paul II, Rutledge In July the parish sponsored a vacation Bible school with the help of St. Claire Parish in Cincinnati. The Bible school was held under a tent at Central Point Trailer Park in Rutledge. It was followed by an additional two weeks of “Summer Fiesta” made …
Parish notes: Smoky Mountain Deanery
Holy Cross, Pigeon Forge There will be a rosary rally for peace at noon Saturday, Oct. 13, in front of Holy Cross Church. For more information, contact Ursula Beckmann at Immaculate Conception, Knoxville The Immaculate Conception women’s group will have a kitchen sale after all the Masses the weekend …
Diocesan calendar
The 2012 Celebrate Life Fundraising Banquet sponsored by the Knox County chapter of Tennessee Right to Life will be held Thursday, Oct. 11, at the Knoxville Convention Center. The keynote speaker will be Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey. Seating will begin at 6 p.m. with dinner starting at 6:30. Tickets are …
Chattanooga Deanery calendar
Knights of Columbus Council 610 in Chattanooga is holding its 70th annual Labor Day Picnic and Family Outing from 9 a m. to 5 p.m. Monday, Sept. 3, at Camp Columbus. The day will begin with the White Elephant Yard Sale at 9 a.m. Games and activities will take place all …
Five Rivers Deanery calendar
Judi Phillips, MS, FCP, will present an introduction to the Creighton Model System of Natural Family Planning in the church basement at St. Mary Church in Johnson City from 1-3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 16. The presentation will include an overview of how the method is used to monitor a couple’s …
Parish notes: Five Rivers Deanery
Parish notes: Five Rivers Deanery Holy Trinity, Jefferson City Eighteen volunteers from Holy Trinity Parish participated in the Appalachian Outreach program to assist the elderly and indigent with home repairs the week of July 25-29. Another 122 parishioners helped feed the other teams who participated in the weeklong event. The …
Parish Notes: August 2012
Chattanooga Deanery Holy Spirit, Soddy-Daisy The St. Vincent de Paul Society at Holy Spirit Church has been collecting school supplies for five Chattanooga-area elementary schools. Items can be placed in the designated containers in the narthex of the church and outside the parish office. St. Jude, Chattanooga The parish Good …
Parish Notes: July 2012
Chattanooga Deanery St. Augustine, Signal Mountain The “White Hot for Haiti” dinner-dance and auction May 5 raised more than $15,000 to provide education and food for the 1,200 students who attend St. Antoine School in Petite Rivière de Nippes, Haiti. Tracie and Chris Lesar were thanked for chairing the event …